Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900).

Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900).

“Whitmore,” in this letter, was F. G. Whitmore, of Hartford, Mark Twain’s financial agent.  The money due from Mrs. Dodge was a balance on Tom Sawyer Abroad, which had been accepted by St. Nicholas.  Mr. Halsey was a down-town broker.

Clemens, who was growing weary of the constant demands of L. A. L., had conceived the idea that it would be well to dispose of a portion of it for enough cash to finance its manufacture.

We don’t know who the friend was to whom he offered a quarter interest for the modest sum of two hundred thousand dollars.  But in the next letter we discover designs on a certain very canny Scotchman of Skibo.

To Fred J. Hall, in New York: 

Florence, Jan. 28, ’92.  Dear Mr. Hall,—­I want to throw out a suggestion and see what you think of it.  We have a good start, and solid ground under us; we have a valuable reputation; our business organization is practical, sound and well-devised; our publications are of a respect-worthy character and of a money-breeding species.  Now then I think that the association with us of some one of great name and with capital would give our business a prodigious impetus—­that phrase is not too strong.

As I look at it, it is not money merely that is needed; if that were all, the firm has friends enough who would take an interest in a paying venture; we need some one who has made his life a success not only from a business standpoint, but with that achievement back of him, has been great enough to make his power felt as a thinker and a literary man.  It is a pretty usual thing for publishers to have this sort of partners.  Now you see what a power Carnegie is, and how far his voice reaches in the several lines I speak of.  Do you know him?  You do by correspondence or purely business talks about his books—­but personally, I mean? so that it would not be an intrusion for you to speak to him about this desire of mine—­for I would like you to put it before him, and if you fail to interest him in it, you will probably get at least some valuable suggestions from him.  I’ll enclose a note of introduction—­you needn’t use it if you don’t need to. 
                                   Yours S. L. C.

P. S. Yes, I think I have already acknowledged the Dec. $1,000 and the Jan. $500—­and if another $500 was mailed 3 days ago there’s no hiatus.

I think I also reminded you that the new letter of credit does not cover the unexpended balance of the old one but falls considerably short of it.

Do your best with Carnegie, and don’t wait to consider any of my intermediate suggestions or talks about our raising half of the $200,000 ourselves.  I mean, wait for nothing.  To make my suggestion available I should have to go over and see Arnot, and I don’t want to until I can mention Carnegie’s name to him as going in with us.

My book is type-written and ready for print—­“Pudd’nhead Wilson-a Tale.”  (Or, “Those Extraordinary Twins,” if preferable.)

Project Gutenberg
Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.