A Double Barrelled Detective Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about A Double Barrelled Detective Story.

A Double Barrelled Detective Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about A Double Barrelled Detective Story.

Plainly the guest seemed hit; it looked so to the public.  He opened his mouth to speak; the words did not come freely.

“This—­er—­this is insanity—­this—­”

Stillman pressed his evident advantage home.  He held up a charred match.

“Here is one of them.  I found it in the barrel—­and there’s another one there.”

The guest found his voice at once.

“Yes—­and put them there yourself!”

It was recognized a good shot.  Stillman retorted.

“It is wax—­a breed unknown to this camp.  I am ready to be searched for the box.  Are you?”

The guest was staggered this time—­the dullest eye could see it.  He fumbled with his hands; once or twice his lips moved, but the words did not come.  The house waited and watched, in tense suspense, the stillness adding effect to the situation.  Presently Stillman said, gently: 

“We are waiting for your decision.”

There was silence again during several moments; then the guest answered, in a low voice: 

“I refuse to be searched.”

There was no noisy demonstration, but all about the house one voice after another muttered: 

“That settles it!  He’s Archy’s meat.”

What to do now?  Nobody seemed to know.  It was an embarrassing situation for the moment—­merely, of course, because matters had taken such a sudden and unexpected turn that these unpractised minds were not prepared for it, and had come to a standstill, like a stopped clock, under the shock.  But after a little the machinery began to work again, tentatively, and by twos and threes the men put their heads together and privately buzzed over this and that and the other proposition.  One of these propositions met with much favor; it was, to confer upon the assassin a vote of thanks for removing Flint Buckner, and let him go.  But the cooler heads opposed it, pointing out that addled brains in the Eastern states would pronounce it a scandal, and make no end of foolish noise about it.  Finally the cool heads got the upper hand, and obtained general consent to a proposition of their own; their leader then called the house to order and stated it—­to this effect:  that Fetlock Jones be jailed and put upon trial.

The motion was carried.  Apparently there was nothing further to do now, and the people were glad, for, privately, they were impatient to get out and rush to the scene of the tragedy, and see whether that barrel and the other things were really there or not.

But no—­the break-up got a check.  The surprises were not over yet.  For a while Fetlock Jones had been silently sobbing, unnoticed in the absorbing excitements which had been following one another so persistently for some time; but when his arrest and trial were decreed, he broke out despairingly, and said: 

Project Gutenberg
A Double Barrelled Detective Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.