The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.

The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.
The Colonel was a handsome man about forty, a gentleman Of wealth and high social position, a resident of New Orleans.  He served with distinction in the confederate army, and received a wound in the leg from which he has never entirely recovered, being obliged to use a cane in locomotion.
This morning at about nine o’clock, a lady, accompanied by a gentleman, called at the office Of the hotel and asked for Col.  Selby.  The Colonel was at breakfast.  Would the clerk tell him that a lady and gentleman wished to see him for a moment in the parlor?  The clerk says that the gentleman asked her, “What do you want to see him for?” and that she replied, “He is going to Europe, and I ought to just say good by.”
Col.  Selby was informed; and the lady and gentleman were shown to the parlor, in which were at the time three or four other persons.  Five minutes after two shots were fired in quick succession, and there was a rush to the parlor from which the reports came.
Col.  Selby was found lying on the floor, bleeding, but not dead.  Two gentlemen, who had just come in, had seized the lady, who made no resistance, and she was at once given in charge of a police officer who arrived.  The persons who were in the parlor agree substantially as to what occurred.  They had happened to be looking towards the door when the man—­Col.  Selby—­entered with his cane, and they looked at him, because he stopped as if surprised and frightened, and made a backward movement.  At the same moment the lady in the bonnet advanced towards him and said something like, “George, will you go with me?” He replied, throwing up his hand and retreating, “My God I can’t, don’t fire,” and the next instants two shots were heard and he fell.  The lady appeared to be beside herself with rage or excitement, and trembled very much when the gentlemen took hold of her; it was to them she said, “He brought it on himself.”
Col.  Selby was carried at once to his room and Dr. Puffer, the eminent surgeon was sent for.  It was found that he was shot through the breast and through the abdomen.  Other aid was summoned, but the wounds were mortal, and Col Selby expired in an hour, in pain, but his mind was clear to the last and he made a full deposition.  The substance of it was that his murderess is a Miss Laura Hawkins, whom he had known at Washington as a lobbyist and had some business with her.  She had followed him with her attentions and solicitations, and had endeavored to make him desert his wife and go to Europe with her.  When he resisted and avoided her she had threatened him.  Only the day before he left Washington she had declared that he should never go out of the city alive without her.

     It seems to have been a deliberate and premeditated murder, the
     woman following him to Washington on purpose to commit it.

Project Gutenberg
The Gilded Age from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.