Roughing It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 603 pages of information about Roughing It.

Roughing It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 603 pages of information about Roughing It.

The new government was received with considerable coolness.  It was not only a foreign intruder, but a poor one.  It was not even worth plucking —­except by the smallest of small fry office-seekers and such.  Everybody knew that Congress had appropriated only twenty thousand dollars a year in greenbacks for its support—­about money enough to run a quartz mill a month.  And everybody knew, also, that the first year’s money was still in Washington, and that the getting hold of it would be a tedious and difficult process.  Carson City was too wary and too wise to open up a credit account with the imported bantling with anything like indecent haste.

There is something solemnly funny about the struggles of a new-born Territorial government to get a start in this world.  Ours had a trying time of it.  The Organic Act and the “instructions” from the State Department commanded that a legislature should be elected at such-and-such a time, and its sittings inaugurated at such-and-such a date.  It was easy to get legislators, even at three dollars a day, although board was four dollars and fifty cents, for distinction has its charm in Nevada as well as elsewhere, and there were plenty of patriotic souls out of employment; but to get a legislative hall for them to meet in was another matter altogether.  Carson blandly declined to give a room rent-free, or let one to the government on credit.

But when Curry heard of the difficulty, he came forward, solitary and alone, and shouldered the Ship of State over the bar and got her afloat again.  I refer to “Curry—­Old Curry—­Old Abe Curry.”  But for him the legislature would have been obliged to sit in the desert.  He offered his large stone building just outside the capital limits, rent-free, and it was gladly accepted.  Then he built a horse-railroad from town to the capitol, and carried the legislators gratis.

He also furnished pine benches and chairs for the legislature, and covered the floors with clean saw-dust by way of carpet and spittoon combined.  But for Curry the government would have died in its tender infancy.  A canvas partition to separate the Senate from the House of Representatives was put up by the Secretary, at a cost of three dollars and forty cents, but the United States declined to pay for it.  Upon being reminded that the “instructions” permitted the payment of a liberal rent for a legislative hall, and that that money was saved to the country by Mr. Curry’s generosity, the United States said that did not alter the matter, and the three dollars and forty cents would be subtracted from the Secretary’s eighteen hundred dollar salary—­and it was!

The matter of printing was from the beginning an interesting feature of the new government’s difficulties.  The Secretary was sworn to obey his volume of written “instructions,” and these commanded him to do two certain things without fail, viz.: 

1.  Get the House and Senate journals printed; and, 2.  For this work, pay one dollar and fifty cents per “thousand” for composition, and one dollar and fifty cents per “token” for press-work, in greenbacks.

Project Gutenberg
Roughing It from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.