My Summer in a Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 115 pages of information about My Summer in a Garden.

My Summer in a Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 115 pages of information about My Summer in a Garden.
sort of style.  The ground vines are torn, trampled, and withered; and the ungathered cucumbers, worthless melons, and golden squashes lie about like the spent bombs and exploded shells of a battle-field.  So the cannon-balls lay on the sandy plain before Fort Fisher after the capture.  So the great grassy meadow at Munich, any morning during the October Fest, is strewn with empty beermugs.  History constantly repeats itself.  There is a large crop of moral reflections in my garden, which anybody is at liberty to gather who passes this way.

I have tried to get in anything that offered temptation to sin.  There would be no thieves if there was nothing to steal; and I suppose, in the thieves’ catechism, the provider is as bad as the thief; and, probably, I am to blame for leaving out a few winter pears, which some predatory boy carried off on Sunday.  At first I was angry, and said I should like to have caught the urchin in the act; but, on second thought, I was glad I did not.  The interview could not have been pleasant:  I shouldn’t have known what to do with him.  The chances are, that he would have escaped away with his pockets full, and jibed at me from a safe distance.  And, if I had got my hands on him, I should have been still more embarrassed.  If I had flogged him, he would have got over it a good deal sooner than I should.  That sort of boy does not mind castigation any more than he does tearing his trousers in the briers.  If I had treated him with kindness, and conciliated him with grapes, showing him the enormity of his offense, I suppose he would have come the next night, and taken the remainder of the grapes.  The truth is, that the public morality is lax on the subject of fruit.  If anybody puts arsenic or gunpowder into his watermelons, he is universally denounced as a stingy old murderer by the community.  A great many people regard growing fruit as lawful prey, who would not think of breaking into your cellar to take it.  I found a man once in my raspberry-bushes, early in the season, when we were waiting for a dishful to ripen.  Upon inquiring what he was about, he said he was only eating some; and the operation seemed to be so natural and simple, that I disliked to disturb him.  And I am not very sure that one has a right to the whole of an abundant crop of fruit until he has gathered it.  At least, in a city garden, one might as well conform his theory to the practice of the community.

As for children (and it sometimes looks as if the chief products of my garden were small boys and hens), it is admitted that they are barbarians.  There is no exception among them to this condition of barbarism.  This is not to say that they are not attractive; for they have the virtues as well as the vices of a primitive people.  It is held by some naturalists that the child is only a zoophyte, with a stomach, and feelers radiating from it in search of something to fill it.  It is true that a child is always hungry all over: 

Project Gutenberg
My Summer in a Garden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.