Red Eve eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Red Eve.

Red Eve eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Red Eve.

“Then let us follow your heart, master,” said Dick, yawning.  “Yet I wish it had waited till dawn to move you.  Yes, let us follow your heart to good or evil.  David, go you out and saddle up those nags.”

For Dick had worked late at their mail and weapons, which now were bright and sharp again, and was very weary.

It was after three in the morning when at length, leaving the heath, they rode up to Dunwich Middlegate, expecting to find it shut against them at such an hour.  But it stood open, nor did any challenge them from the guardhouse.

“They keep an ill watch in Dunwich now-a-days,” grumbled Dick.  “Well, perchance there is one here to whom they can trust that business.”

Hugh made no answer, only pressed on down the narrow street, that was deep and dumb with snow, till at length they drew reign before the door of his father’s house, in the market-place, the great house where he was born.  He looked at the windows and noted that, although they were unshuttered, no friendly light shone in them.  He called aloud, but echo was his only answer, echo and the moan of the bitter wind and the sullen roar of the sea.

“Doubtless all men are asleep,” he said.  “Why should it be otherwise at such an hour?  Let us enter and waken them.”

“Yes, yes,” answered Dick as he dismounted and threw the reins of his horse to David.  “They are like the rest of Dunwich—­asleep.”

So they entered and began to search the house by the dim light of the moon.  First they searched the lower chambers, then those where Hugh’s father and his brothers had slept, and lastly the attics.  Here they found the pallets of the serving-folk upon the floor, but none at rest upon them.

“The house is deserted,” said Hugh heavily.

“Yes, yes,” answered Dick again, in a cheerful voice; “doubtless Master de Cressi and your brothers have moved away to escape the pest.”

“Pray God they have escaped it!” muttered Hugh.  “This place stifles me,” he added.  “Let us out.”

“Whither shall we go, master?”

“To Blythburgh Manor,” he answered, “for there I may win tidings.  David, bide you here, and if you can learn aught follow us across the moor.  The manor cannot be missed.”

So once more Hugh and Dick mounted their horses and rode away through the town, stopping now and again before some house they knew and calling to its inmates.  But though they called loudly none answered.  Soon they grew sure that this was because there were none to answer, since of those houses many of the doors stood open.  Only one living creature did they see in Dunwich.  As they turned the corner near to the Blythburgh Gate they met a grey-haired man wrapped up in tattered blankets which were tied about him with haybands.  He carried in his hand a beautiful flagon of silver.  Doubtless he had stolen it from some church.

Seeing them, he cast this flagon into the snow and began to whimper like a dog.

Project Gutenberg
Red Eve from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.