Original Short Stories — Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 08.

Original Short Stories — Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 08.

“This letter became the gospel of the family.  It was read on the slightest provocation, and it was shown to everybody.

“For ten years nothing was heard from Uncle Jules; but as time went on my father’s hope grew, and my mother, also, often said: 

“’When that good Jules is here, our position will be different.  There is one who knew how to get along!’

“And every Sunday, while watching the big steamers approaching from the horizon, pouring out a stream of smoke, my father would repeat his eternal question: 

“‘What a surprise it would be if Jules were on that one!  Eh?’

“We almost expected to see him waving his handkerchief and crying: 

“‘Hey!  Philippe!’

“Thousands of schemes had been planned on the strength of this expected return; we were even to buy a little house with my uncle’s money—­a little place in the country near Ingouville.  In fact, I wouldn’t swear that my father had not already begun negotiations.

“The elder of my sisters was then twenty-eight, the other twenty-six.  They were not yet married, and that was a great grief to every one.

“At last a suitor presented himself for the younger one.  He was a clerk, not rich, but honorable.  I have always been morally certain that Uncle Jules’ letter, which was shown him one evening, had swept away the young man’s hesitation and definitely decided him.

“He was accepted eagerly, and it was decided that after the wedding the whole family should take a trip to Jersey.

“Jersey is the ideal trip for poor people.  It is not far; one crosses a strip of sea in a steamer and lands on foreign soil, as this little island belongs to England.  Thus, a Frenchman, with a two hours’ sail, can observe a neighboring people at home and study their customs.

“This trip to Jersey completely absorbed our ideas, was our sole anticipation, the constant thought of our minds.

“At last we left.  I see it as plainly as if it had happened yesterday.  The boat was getting up steam against the quay at Granville; my father, bewildered, was superintending the loading of our three pieces of baggage; my mother, nervous, had taken the arm of my unmarried sister, who seemed lost since the departure of the other one, like the last chicken of a brood; behind us came the bride and groom, who always stayed behind, a thing that often made me turn round.

“The whistle sounded.  We got on board, and the vessel, leaving the breakwater, forged ahead through a sea as flat as a marble table.  We watched the coast disappear in the distance, happy and proud, like all who do not travel much.

“My father was swelling out his chest in the breeze, beneath his frock coat, which had that morning been very carefully cleaned; and he spread around him that odor of benzine which always made me recognize Sunday.  Suddenly he noticed two elegantly dressed ladies to whom two gentlemen were offering oysters.  An old, ragged sailor was opening them with his knife and passing them to the gentlemen, who would then offer them to the ladies.  They ate them in a dainty manner, holding the shell on a fine handkerchief and advancing their mouths a little in order not to spot their dresses.  Then they would drink the liquid with a rapid little motion and throw the shell overboard.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 08 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.