Original Short Stories — Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 08.

Original Short Stories — Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 08.


What had she to fear?  Did she know what it was?

She could live this way no longer!  She felt certain that a misfortune threatened her, a frightful misfortune.

She set forth secretly one morning, and went into the city to see her relatives.  She told them about the matter in a gasping voice.  The two women thought she was going mad and tried to reassure her.

She said: 

“If you knew the way he looks at me from morning till night.  He never takes his eyes off me!  At times, I feel a longing to cry for help, to call in the neighbors, so much am I afraid.  But what could I say to them?  He does nothing but look at me.”

The two female cousins asked: 

“Is he ever brutal to you?  Does he give you sharp answers?”

She replied: 

“No, never; he does everything I wish; he works hard:  he is steady; but I am so frightened that I care nothing for that.  He is planning something, I am certain of that—­quite certain.  I don’t care to remain all alone like that with him in the country.”

The relatives, astonished at her words, declared that people would be amazed, would not understand; and they advised her to keep silent about her fears and her plans, without, however, dissuading her from coming to reside in the city, hoping in that way that the entire inheritance would eventually fall into their hands.

They even promised to assist her in selling her house, and in finding another, near them.

Mademoiselle Source returned home.  But her mind was so much upset that she trembled at the slightest noise, and her hands shook whenever any trifling disturbance agitated her.

Twice she went again to consult her relatives, quite determined now not to remain any longer in this way in her lonely dwelling.  At last, she found a little cottage in the suburbs, which suited her, and she privately bought it.

The signature of the contract took place on a Tuesday morning, and Mademoiselle Source devoted the rest of the day to the preparations for her change of residence.

At eight o’clock in the evening she got into the diligence which passed within a few hundred yards of her house, and she told the conductor to put her down in the place where she usually alighted.  The man called out to her as he whipped his horses: 

“Good evening, Mademoiselle Source—­good night!”

She replied as she walked on: 

“Good evening, Pere Joseph.”  Next morning, at half-past seven, the postman who conveyed letters to the village noticed at the cross-road, not far from the high road, a large splash of blood not yet dry.  He said to himself:  “Hallo! some boozer must have had a nose bleed.”

But he perceived ten paces farther on a pocket handkerchief also stained with blood.  He picked it up.  The linen was fine, and the postman, in alarm, made his way over to the ditch, where he fancied he saw a strange object.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 08 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.