The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

’I am directed to assure you that there is no reason for apprehending that Kimberley or any part of the colony either is, or in any contemplated event will be, in danger of attack.  Mr. Schreiner is of opinion that your fears are groundless and your anticipations in the matter entirely without foundation.’  Such is the official reply to the remonstrance of the inhabitants, when, with the shadow of war dark upon them, they appealed for help.  It is fortunate, however, that a progressive British town has usually the capacity for doing things for itself without the intervention of officials.  Kimberley was particularly lucky in being the centre of the wealthy and alert De Beers Company, which had laid in sufficient ammunition and supplies to prevent the town from being helpless in the presence of the enemy.  But the cannon were popguns, firing a 7-pound shell for a short range, and the garrison contained only seven hundred regulars, while the remainder were mostly untrained miners and artisans.  Among them, however, there was a sprinkling of dangerous men from the northern wars, and all were nerved by a knowledge that the ground which they defended was essential to the Empire.  Ladysmith was no more than any other strategic position, but Kimberley was unique, the centre of the richest tract of ground for its size in the whole world.  Its loss would have been a heavy blow to the British cause, and an enormous encouragement to the Boers.

On October 12th, several hours after the expiration of Kruger’s ultimatum, Cecil Rhodes threw himself into Kimberley.  This remarkable man, who stood for the future of South Africa as clearly as the Dopper Boer stood for its past, had, both in features and in character, some traits which may, without extravagance, be called Napoleonic.  The restless energy, the fertility of resource, the attention to detail, the wide sweep of mind, the power of terse comment—­all these recall the great emperor.  So did the simplicity of private life in the midst of excessive wealth.  And so finally did a want of scruple where an ambition was to be furthered, shown, for example, in that enormous donation to the Irish party by which he made a bid for their parliamentary support, and in the story of the Jameson raid.  A certain cynicism of mind and a grim humour complete the parallel.  But Rhodes was a Napoleon of peace.  The consolidation of South Africa under the freest and most progressive form of government was the large object on which he had expended his energies and his fortune but the development of the country in every conceivable respect, from the building of a railway to the importation of a pedigree bull, engaged his unremitting attention.

It was on October 15th that the fifty thousand inhabitants of Kimberley first heard the voice of war.  It rose and fell in a succession of horrible screams and groans which travelled far over the veld, and the outlying farmers marvelled at the dreadful clamour from the sirens and the hooters of the great mines.  Those who have endured all—­the rifle, the cannon, and the hunger—­have said that those wild whoops from the sirens were what had tried their nerve the most.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.