Wessex Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Wessex Tales.

Wessex Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Wessex Tales.

‘O—­you here?’ said the latter, smiling.  ’I thought you had gone to help in the capture.’  And this speaker also revealed the object of his return by looking solicitously round for the fascinating mug of old mead.

‘And I thought you had gone,’ said the other, continuing his skimmer-cake with some effort.

‘Well, on second thoughts, I felt there were enough without me,’ said the first confidentially, ’and such a night as it is, too.  Besides, ’tis the business o’ the Government to take care of its criminals—­not mine.’

’True; so it is.  And I felt as you did, that there were enough without me.’

’I don’t want to break my limbs running over the humps and hollows of this wild country.’

‘Nor I neither, between you and me.’

’These shepherd-people are used to it—­simple-minded souls, you know, stirred up to anything in a moment.  They’ll have him ready for me before the morning, and no trouble to me at all.’

’They’ll have him, and we shall have saved ourselves all labour in the matter.’

’True, true.  Well, my way is to Casterbridge; and ’tis as much as my legs will do to take me that far.  Going the same way?’

‘No, I am sorry to say!  I have to get home over there’ (he nodded indefinitely to the right), ’and I feel as you do, that it is quite enough for my legs to do before bedtime.’

The other had by this time finished the mead in the mug, after which, shaking hands heartily at the door, and wishing each other well, they went their several ways.

In the meantime the company of pursuers had reached the end of the hog’s-back elevation which dominated this part of the down.  They had decided on no particular plan of action; and, finding that the man of the baleful trade was no longer in their company, they seemed quite unable to form any such plan now.  They descended in all directions down the hill, and straightway several of the party fell into the snare set by Nature for all misguided midnight ramblers over this part of the cretaceous formation.  The ‘lanchets,’ or flint slopes, which belted the escarpment at intervals of a dozen yards, took the less cautious ones unawares, and losing their footing on the rubbly steep they slid sharply downwards, the lanterns rolling from their hands to the bottom, and there lying on their sides till the horn was scorched through.

When they had again gathered themselves together, the shepherd, as the man who knew the country best, took the lead, and guided them round these treacherous inclines.  The lanterns, which seemed rather to dazzle their eyes and warn the fugitive than to assist them in the exploration, were extinguished, due silence was observed; and in this more rational order they plunged into the vale.  It was a grassy, briery, moist defile, affording some shelter to any person who had sought it; but the party perambulated it in vain, and ascended on the other side.  Here they wandered apart, and after an interval closed together again to report progress.

Project Gutenberg
Wessex Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.