The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“I can’t give you anything, but you will find recluses on your way who won’t let you die of hunger.  But tell me how you contrived to pierce the roof of The Leads.”

“The story is an interesting one, but it would take up too much time, and in the meanwhile the recluses might eat up the food which is to keep me from dying of hunger.”

With this sarcasm I made him a profound bow, and went upon my way.  In spite of my great want, his refusal pleased me, as it made me think myself a better gentleman than the “excellence” who had referred me to the charity of recluses.  I heard at Paris afterwards that when his wife heard of it she reproached him for his hard-hearted behaviour.  There can be no doubt that kindly and generous feelings are more often to be found in the hearts of women than of men.

I continued my journey till sunset.  Weary and faint with hunger I stopped at a good-looking house, which stood by itself.  I asked to speak to the master, and the porter told me that he was not in as he had gone to a wedding on the other side of the river, and would be away for two days, but that he had bidden him to welcome all his friends while he was away.  Providence! luck! chance! whichever you like.

I went in and was treated to a good supper and a good bed.  I found by the addresses of some letters which were lying about that I was being entertained in the house of M. Rombenchi—­a consul, of what nation I know not.  I wrote a letter to him and sealed it to await his return.  After making an excellent supper and having had a good sleep, I rose, and dressing myself carefully set out again without being able to leave the porter any mark of my gratitude, and shortly afterwards crossed the river, promising to pay when I came back.  After walking for five hours I dined in a monastery of Capuchins, who are very useful to people in my position.  I then set out again, feeling fresh and strong, and walked along at a good pace till three o’clock.  I halted at a house which I found from a countryman belonged to a friend of mine.  I walked in, asked if the master was at home, and was shewn into a room where he was writing by himself.  I stepped forward to greet him, but as soon as he saw me he seemed horrified and bid me be gone forthwith, giving me idle and insulting reasons for his behaviour.  I explained to him how I was situated, and asked him to let me have sixty sequins on my note of hand, drawn on M. de Bragadin.  He replied that he could not so much as give me a glass of water, since he dreaded the wrath of the Tribunal for my very presence in his house.  He was a stockbroker, about sixty years old, and was under great obligations to me.  His inhuman refusal produced quite a different effect on me than that of M. Grimani.  Whether from rage, indignation, or nature, I took him by the collar, I shewed him my pike, and raising my voice threatened to kill him.  Trembling all over, he took a key from his pocket and shewing me a bureau told me he kept money there, and I had only to open it and take what I wanted; I told him to open it himself.  He did so, and on his opening a drawer containing gold, I told him to count me out six sequins.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.