Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03: Military Career eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03: Military Career eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03.
When we found ourselves again in her house she told me, in the presence
of M. D---- R-----, that the story I had related to the general was
certainly very pretty, although purely imaginary, that she was not angry
with me, because I had amused her, but that she could not help remarking
my obstinacy in refusing compliance with her wishes.  Then, turning to M.
D---- R-----, she said,

“M.  Casanova pretends that if he had given an account of his meeting with Yusuf’s wife without changing anything everybody would think that I allowed him to entertain me with indecent stories.  I want you to give your opinion about it.  Will you,” she added, speaking to me, “be so good as to relate immediately the adventure in the same words which you have used when you told me of it?”

“Yes, madam, if you wish me to do so.”

Stung to the quick by an indiscretion which, as I did not yet know women thoroughly, seemed to me without example, I cast all fears of displeasing to the winds, related the adventure with all the warmth of an impassioned poet, and without disguising or attenuating in the least the desires which the charms of the Greek beauty had inspired me with.

“Do you think,” said M. D---- R---- to Madame F-----, “that he ought to
have related that adventure before all our friends as he has just related
it to us?”

“If it be wrong for him to tell it in public, it is also wrong to tell it to me in private.”

“You are the only judge of that:  yes, if he has displeased you; no, if he has amused you.  As for my own opinion, here it is:  He has just now amused me very much, but he would have greatly displeased me if he had related the same adventure in public.”

“Then,” exclaimed Madame F——­, “I must request you never to tell me in private anything that you cannot repeat in public.”

“I promise, madam, to act always according to your wishes.”

“It being understood,” added M. D---- R-----, smiling, “that madam
reserves all rights of repealing that order whenever she may think fit.”

I was vexed, but I contrived not to show it.  A few minutes more, and we took leave of Madame F——.

I was beginning to understand that charming woman, and to dread the ordeal to which she would subject me.  But love was stronger than fear, and, fortified with hope, I had the courage to endure the thorns, so as to gather the rose at the end of my sufferings.  I was particularly pleased to find that M. D——­ R——­ was not jealous of me, even when she seemed to dare him to it.  This was a point of the greatest importance.

A few days afterwards, as I was entertaining her on various subjects, she remarked how unfortunate it had been for me to enter the lazzaretto at Ancona without any money.

“In spite of my distress,” I said, “I fell in love with a young and beautiful Greek slave, who very nearly contrived to make me break through all the sanitary laws.”

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03: Military Career from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.