Four Short Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 53 pages of information about Four Short Plays.

Four Short Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 53 pages of information about Four Short Plays.

Oh!  Doctor—­have you? is it——?

Doctor.  Right as rain!  She held him like an angel—­he just licked her, and never made a sound.

Lady Ella.  Poor darling!  Can I——­

     [She signs toward the door.]

Doctor.  Better leave ’em a minute.  She’s moppin’ ’im off. [He wrinkles his nose] Wonderful clever hands!

The Squire.  I say—­who is she?

Doctor. [Looking from face to face with a dubious and rather quizzical expression] Who?  Well—­there you have me!  All I know is she’s a first-rate nurse—­been helpin’ me with a case in Ditch Lane.  Nice woman, too—­thorough good sort!  Quite an acquisition here.  H’m! [Again that quizzical glance] Excuse me hurryin’ off—­very late.  Good-bye, Rector.  Good-bye, Lady Ella.  Good-bye!

     [He goes.  A silence.]

The Squire.  H’m!  I suppose we ought to be a bit careful.

     [Jarvis, flyman of the old school, has appeared on the

Jarvis. [To the Rector] Beg pardon, sir.  Is the little dog all right?

Maud.  Yes.

Jarvis. [Touching his hat] Seein’ you’ve missed your train, m’m, shall I wait, and take you ’ome again?

Maud.  No.

Jarvis.  Cert’nly, m’m. [He touches his hat with a circular gesture, and is about to withdraw.]

Lady Ella.  Oh, Jarvis—­what’s the name of the people here?

Jarvis.  Challenger’s the name I’ve driven ’em in, my lady.

The Squire.  Challenger?  Sounds like a hound.  What’s he like?

Jarvis. [Scratching his head] Wears a soft ’at, sir.

The Squire.  H’m!  Ah!

Jarvis.  Very nice gentleman, very nice lady.  ’Elped me with my old mare when she ’ad the ’ighsteria last week—­couldn’t ‘a’ been kinder if they’d ‘a’ been angels from ‘eaven.  Wonderful fond o’ dumb animals, the two of ’em.  I don’t pay no attention to gossip, meself.

Maud.  Gossip?  What gossip?

Jarvis. [Backing] Did I make use of the word, m’m?  You’ll excuse me, I’m sure.  There’s always talk where there’s newcomers.  I takes people as I finds ’em.

The Rector.  Yes, yes, Jarvis—­quite—­quite right!

Jarvis.  Yes, sir.  I’ve—­I’ve got a ‘abit that way at my time o’ life.

Maud. [Sharply] How long have they been here, Jarvis?

Jarvis.  Well—–­er—­a matter of three weeks, m’m.

     [A slight involuntary stir.]

[Apologetic] Of course, in my profession I can’t afford to take notice of whether there’s the trifle of a ring between ’em, as the sayin’ is.  ’Tisn’t ’ardly my business like.

     [A silence.]

Project Gutenberg
Four Short Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.