The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

And I have come to attest the law which was before me; and to allow you part of that which had been forbidden you; and I come to you with a sign from your Lord:  Fear God, then, and obey me; of a truth God is my Lord, and your Lord:  Therefore worship Him.  This is a right way.”

And when Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, He said, “Who my helpers with God?"20-21 The apostles21 said, “We will be God’s helpers!  We believe in God, and bear thou witness that we are Muslims.

O our Lord! we believe in what thou hast sent down, and we follow the apostle; write us up, then, with those who bear witness to him.”

And the Jews plotted, and God plotted:  But of those who plot is God the best.

Remember when God said, “O Jesus! verily I will cause thee to die,22 and will take thee up to myself and deliver thee from those who believe not; and I will place those who follow thee above those who believe not, until the day of resurrection.  Then, to me is your return, and wherein ye differ will I decide between you.

And as to those who believe not, I will chastise them with a terrible chastisement in this world and in the next; and none shall they have to help them.”

But as to those who believe, and do the things that are right, He will pay them their recompense.  God loveth not the doers of evil.

These signs, and this wise warning do we rehearse to thee.

Verily, Jesus is as Adam in the sight of God.23 He created him of dust:  He then said to him, “Be"-and he was.

The truth from thy Lord!  Be not thou, therefore, of those who doubt.

As for those 24 who dispute with thee about Him, after “theknowledge” hath come to thee, say:  Come,25 let us summon our sons and your sons, our wives and your wives, and ourselves and yourselves.  Then will we invoke and lay the malison of God on those that lie!

This recital is very truth, and there is no god but God; and verily God is the Mighty, the Wise.

But if they turn away, then verily God hath knowledge of the corrupt doers.

Say:  O people of the Book! come ye to a just judgment between us and you-That we worship not aught but God, and that we join no other god with Him, and that the one of us take not the other for lords,26 beside God.  Then if they turn their backs, say:  Bear ye witness that we are Muslims.

O people of the Book!  Why dispute about Abraham,27 when the Law and the Evangel were not sent down till after him?  Do ye not then understand?

Lo! ye are they who dispute about that in which ye have knowledge; 28 but why dispute ye about that of which ye have no knowledge?  God hath knowledge, but ye know nothing.

Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian; but he was sound in the faith,29 a Muslim; and not of those who add gods to God.

They among men, who are nearest of kin to Abraham, are surely those who follow him, and this prophet Muhammad, and they who believe on him.  And God is the protector of the faithful.

Project Gutenberg
The Koran (Al-Qur'an) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.