The Brethren eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about The Brethren.

The Brethren eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about The Brethren.

“It is very fair,” replied Godwin; “and worthy of you, who are the most honest of men.  Yet, Wulf, I am troubled.  See you, my brother, have ever brethren loved each other as we do?  And now must the shadow of a woman fall upon and blight that love which is so fair and precious?”

“Why so?” asked Wulf.  “Come, Godwin, let us make a pact that it shall not be thus, and keep it by the help of heaven.  Let us show the world that two men can love one woman and still love each other, not knowing as yet which of them she will choose—­if, indeed, she chooses either.  For, Godwin, we are not the only gentlemen whose eyes have turned, or yet may turn, towards the high-born, rich, and lovely lady Rosamund.  Is it your will that we should make such a pact?”

Godwin thought a little, then answered: 

“Yes; but if so, it must be one so strong that for her sake and for both our sakes we cannot break it and live with honour.”

“So be it,” said Wulf; “this is man’s work, not child’s make-believe.”

Then Godwin rose, and going to the door, bade his squire, who watched without, pray the Prior John to come to them as they sought his counsel in a matter.  So he came, and, standing before him with downcast head, Godwin told him all the tale, which, indeed, he who knew so much already, was quick to understand, and of their purpose also; while at a question from the prior, Wulf answered that it was well and truly said, nothing having been kept back.  Then they asked him if it was lawful that they should take such an oath, to which he replied that he thought it not only lawful, but very good.

So in the end, kneeling together hand in hand before the Rood that stood in the chamber, they repeated this oath after him, both of them together.

“We brethren, Godwin and Wulf D’Arcy, do swear by the holy Cross of Christ, and by the patron saint of this place, St. Mary Magdalene, and our own patron saints, St. Peter and St. Chad, standing in the presence of God, of our guardian angels, and of you, John, that being both of us enamoured of our cousin, Rosamund D’Arcy, we will ask her to wife in the manner we have agreed, and no other.  That we will abide by her decision, should she choose either of us, nor seek to alter it by tempting her from her troth, or in any fashion overt or covert.  That he of us whom she refuses will thenceforth be a brother to her and no more, however Satan may tempt his heart otherwise.  That so far as may be possible to us, who are but sinful men, we will suffer neither bitterness nor jealousy to come between our love because of this woman, and that in war or peace we will remain faithful comrades and brethren.  Thus we swear with a true heart and purpose, and in token thereof, knowing that he who breaks this oath will be a knight dishonoured and a vessel fit for the wrath of God, we kiss this Rood and one another.”

This, then, these brethren said and did, and with light minds and joyful faces received the blessing of the Prior, who had christened them in infancy, and went down to meet the great company that had ridden forth to lead them back to Steeple, where their knighting should be done.

Project Gutenberg
The Brethren from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.