The Poet at the Breakfast-Table eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 410 pages of information about The Poet at the Breakfast-Table.

The Poet at the Breakfast-Table eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 410 pages of information about The Poet at the Breakfast-Table.

I suppose, if any writer, of any distinguishable individuality, could look into the hearts of all his readers, he might very probably find one in his parish of a thousand or a million who honestly preferred him to any other of his kind.  I have no doubt we have each one of us, somewhere, our exact facsimile, so like us in all things except the accidents of condition, that we should love each other like a pair of twins, if our natures could once fairly meet.  I know I have my counterpart in some State of this Union.  I feel sure that there is an Englishman somewhere precisely like myself. (I hope he does not drop his h’s, for it does not seem to me possible that the Royal Dane could have remained faithful to his love for Ophelia, if she had addressed him as ’Amlet.) There is also a certain Monsieur, to me at this moment unknown, and likewise a Herr Von Something, each of whom is essentially my double.  An Arab is at this moment eating dates, a mandarin is just sipping his tea, and a South-Sea-Islander (with undeveloped possibilities) drinking the milk of a cocoa-nut, each one of whom, if he had been born in the gambrel-roofed house, and cultivated my little sand-patch, and grown up in “the study” from the height of Walton’s Polyglot Bible to that of the shelf which held the Elzevir Tacitus and Casaubon’s Polybius, with all the complex influences about him that surrounded me, would have been so nearly what I am that I should have loved him like a brother,—­always provided that I did not hate him for his resemblance to me, on the same principle as that which makes bodies in the same electric condition repel each other.

For, perhaps after all, my One Reader is quite as likely to be not the person most resembling myself, but the one to whom my nature is complementary.  Just as a particular soil wants some one element to fertilize it, just as the body in some conditions has a kind of famine—­for one special food, so the mind has its wants, which do not always call for what is best, but which know themselves and are as peremptory as the salt-sick sailor’s call for a lemon or a raw potato, or, if you will, as those capricious “longings,” which have a certain meaning, we may suppose, and which at any rate we think it reasonable to satisfy if we can.

I was going to say something about our boarders the other day when I got run away with by my local reminiscences.  I wish you to understand that we have a rather select company at the table of our boarding-house.

Our Landlady is a most respectable person, who has seen better days, of course,—­all landladies have,—­but has also, I feel sure, seen a good deal worse ones.  For she wears a very handsome silk dress on state occasions, with a breastpin set, as I honestly believe, with genuine pearls, and appears habitually with a very smart cap, from under which her gray curls come out with an unmistakable expression, conveyed in the hieratic language of the feminine priesthood, to the effect that while there is life there is hope.  And when I come to reflect on the many circumstances which go to the making of matrimonial happiness, I cannot help thinking that a personage of her present able exterior, thoroughly experienced in all the domestic arts which render life comfortable, might make the later years of some hitherto companionless bachelor very endurable, not to say pleasant.

Project Gutenberg
The Poet at the Breakfast-Table from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.