Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 1.

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 1.
hearts, and with a wild cheer we started in a hot pursuit, that continued for about two miles, when to our great relief we discovered that we were driving into Rains’s camp a squadron of Nesmith’s battalion of Oregon volunteers that we had mistaken for Indians, and who in turn believed us to be the enemy.  When camp was reached, we all indulged in a hearty laugh over the affair, and at the fright each party had given the other.  The explanations which ensued proved that the squadron of volunteers had separated from the column at the same time that I had when we debouched from the canon, and had pursued an intermediate trail through the hills, which brought it into the valley of the Yakima at a point higher up the river than where I had struck it.

Next day we resumed our march up the valley, parallel to the Yakima.  About 1 o’clock we saw a large body of Indians on the opposite side of the river, and the general commanding made up his mind to cross and attack them.  The stream was cold, deep, and swift, still I succeeded in passing my dragoons over safely, but had hardly got them well on the opposite bank when the Indians swooped down upon us.  Dismounting my men, we received the savages with a heavy fire, which brought them to a halt with some damage and more or less confusion.

General Rains now became very much excited and alarmed about me, and endeavored to ford the swift river with his infantry and artillery, but soon had to abandon the attempt, as three or four of the poor fellows were swept off their feet and drowned.  Meantime Nesmith came up with his mounted force, crossed over, and joined me.

The Indians now fell back to a high ridge, on the crest of which they marched and countermarched, threatening to charge down its face.  Most of them were naked, and as their persons were painted in gaudy colors and decorated with strips of red flannel, red blankets and gay war-bonnets, their appearance presented a scene of picturesque barbarism, fascinating but repulsive.  As they numbered about six hundred, the chances of whipping them did not seem overwhelmingly in our favor, yet Nesmith and I concluded we would give them a little fight, provided we could engage them without going beyond the ridge.  But all our efforts were in vain, for as we advanced they retreated, and as we drew back they reappeared and renewed their parade and noisy demonstrations, all the time beating their drums and yelling lustily.  They could not be tempted into a fight where we desired it, however, and as we felt unequal to any pursuit beyond the ridge without the assistance of the infantry and artillery, we re-crossed the river and encamped with Rains.  It soon became apparent that the noisy demonstrations of the Indians were intended only as a blind to cover the escape of their women and children to a place of safety in the mountains.

Project Gutenberg
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.