The Vicomte De Bragelonne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 712 pages of information about The Vicomte De Bragelonne.

The Vicomte De Bragelonne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 712 pages of information about The Vicomte De Bragelonne.
granted to five hundred men, to two hundred men, to fifty men, to ten men, is still a permission.  One Frenchman, that is the nation; one uniform, that is the army.  Suppose, sire, for example, that you should have war with Holland, which, sooner or later, will certainly happen; or with Spain, which will perhaps ensue if your marriage fails” (Mazarin stole a furtive glance at the king), “and there are a thousand causes that might yet make your marriage fail, — well, would you approve of England’s sending to the United Provinces or to Spain a regiment, a company, a squadron even, of English gentlemen?  Would you think that they kept within the limits of their treaty of alliance?”

Louis listened; it seemed so strange to him that Mazarin should invoke good faith, and he the author of so many political tricks, called Mazarinades.  “And yet,” said the king, “without manifest of my authorization, I cannot prevent gentlemen of my states from passing over into England, if such should be their good pleasure.”

“You should compel them to return, sire, or at least protest against their presence as enemies in a allied country.”

“But come, my lord cardinal, you who are so profound a genius, try if you cannot find a means to assist this poor king, without compromising ourselves.”

“And that is exactly what I am not willing to do, my dear sire,” said Mazarin.  “If England were to act exactly according to my wishes, she could not act better than she does; if I directed the policy of England from this place, I should not direct it otherwise.  Governed as she is governed, England is an eternal nest of contention for all Europe.  Holland protects Charles II., let Holland do so; they will quarrel, they will fight.  Let them destroy each other’s navies, we can construct ours with the wrecks of their vessels; when we shall save our money to buy nails.”

“Oh, how paltry and mean is all this that you are telling me, monsieur le cardinal!”

“Yes, but nevertheless it is true, sire; you must confess that.  Sill further.  Suppose I admit, for a moment, the possibility of breaking your word, and evading the treaty — such a thing as sometimes happens, but that is when some great interest is to be promoted by it, or when the treaty is found to be too troublesome — well, you will authorize the engagement asked of you:  France — her banner, which is the same thing — will cross the Straits and will fight; France will be conquered.”

“Why so?”

Ma foi! we have a pretty general to fight under — this Charles II.!  Worcester gave us proofs of that.”

“But he will no longer have to deal with Cromwell, monsieur.”

Project Gutenberg
The Vicomte De Bragelonne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.