The Caged Lion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 390 pages of information about The Caged Lion.

The Caged Lion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 390 pages of information about The Caged Lion.

At his sign, the attendant, Nigel, the only person besides Lord Marmion of Tanfield who had been present at the meal, besides the two Stewarts and the English brothers, rose and disappeared between the trees, beyond which a hum of voices, an occasional laugh, and the stamping of horses and jingling of bridles, betokened that a good many followers were in waiting.  Malcolm’s harp was quickly brought, having been slung in its case to the saddle of Halbert’s horse; and as he had used it to beguile the last evening’s halt, it did not need much tuning.  Surprised as his princely notions were at being commanded rather than requested to sing, the sweet encouraging smile and tone of kind authority banished all hesitation in complying, and he gave the ballad of the Clerks’ Twa Sons of Owsenford with much grace and sweetness, while the weakness of his voice was compensated by the manlier strains with which Sir James occasionally chimed in.  Then, as Harry gave full meed of appreciative praise and thanks, Sir James said, ’Lend me thine harp, Malcolm; I have learnt thy song now; and thou, Harry, must hear and own how far our Scottish minstrelsy exceeds thy boasted Chevy Chase.’

And forth rang in all the mellow beauty of his voice that most glorious of ballads, the Battle of Otterburn, as much more grand than it had been when he heard it from the glee-man or from Malcolm, as a magnificent voice, patriotic enthusiasm, and cultivation and refinement, could make it.  He had lost himself and all around in the passion of the victory, the pathos of the death.  But no such bright look of thanks recompensed him.  Harry’s face grew dark, and he growled, ’Douglas dead?  Ay, he wins more fields so than alive!  I wish you would keep my old Shrewsbury friend, Earl Tyneman, as you call him, at home.’

‘’Tis ill keeping the scholars in bounds when the master is away,’ returned Sir James.

’Well, by this time Tom has taught them how to transgress—­sent them home with the long scourge from robbing orchards in Anjou.  He writes to me almost with his foot in the stirrup, about to give Douglas and Buchan a lesson.  I shall make short halts and long stages south.  This is too far off for tidings.’

‘True,’ said Sir John, with a satirical curl of the lip; ’above all, when fair ladies brook not to ink their ivory fingers.’

‘There spake the envious fiend,’ laughed the elder brother.  ’John bears not the sight of what he will not or cannot get.’

’I’ll never be chained to a lady’s litter, nor be forced to loiter till her wimple is pinned,’ retorted John.  ’Nor do I like dames with two husbands besides.’

Project Gutenberg
The Caged Lion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.