My Lady Ludlow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about My Lady Ludlow.

My Lady Ludlow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about My Lady Ludlow.
‘Confound it!’ and ‘Zounds!’ I can’t get any farther.  For all that, Mr. Horner won’t forget I am a lady, and so I am not half the use I might be, and if it were not to please my Lady Ludlow, Mr. Horner and his books might go hang (see how natural that came out!).  And there is an order for a dozen nightcaps for a bride, and I am so afraid I shan’t have time to do them.  Worst of all, there’s Mr. Gray taking advantage of my absence to seduce Sally!”

“To seduce Sally!  Mr. Gray!”

“Pooh, pooh, child!  There’s many a kind of seduction.  Mr. Gray is seducing Sally to want to go to church.  There has he been twice at my house, while I have been away in the mornings, talking to Sally about the state of her soul and that sort of thing.  But when I found the meat all roasted to a cinder, I said, ’Come, Sally, let’s have no more praying when beef is down at the fire.  Pray at six o’clock in the morning and nine at night, and I won’t hinder you.’  So she sauced me, and said something about Martha and Mary, implying that, because she had let the beef get so overdone that I declare I could hardly find a bit for Nancy Pole’s sick grandchild, she had chosen the better part.  I was very much put about, I own, and perhaps you’ll be shocked at what I said—­indeed, I don’t know if it was right myself—­but I told her I had a soul as well as she, and if it was to be saved by my sitting still and thinking about salvation and never doing my duty, I thought I had as good a right as she had to be Mary, and save my soul.  So, that afternoon I sat quite still, and it was really a comfort, for I am often too busy, I know, to pray as I ought.  There is first one person wanting me, and then another, and the house and the food and the neighbours to see after.  So, when tea-time comes, there enters my maid with her hump on her back, and her soul to be saved.  ‘Please, ma’am, did you order the pound of butter?’—­’No, Sally,’ I said, shaking my head, ’this morning I did not go round by Hale’s farm, and this afternoon I have been employed in spiritual things.’

“Now, our Sally likes tea and bread-and-butter above everything, and dry bread was not to her taste.

“‘I’m thankful,’ said the impudent hussy, ’that you have taken a turn towards godliness.  It will be my prayers, I trust, that’s given it you.’

“I was determined not to give her an opening towards the carnal subject of butter, so she lingered still, longing to ask leave to run for it.  But I gave her none, and munched my dry bread myself, thinking what a famous cake I could make for little Ben Pole with the bit of butter we were saving; and when Sally had had her butterless tea, and was in none of the best of tempers because Martha had not bethought herself of the butter, I just quietly said—­

“’Now, Sally, to-morrow we’ll try to hash that beef well, and to remember the butter, and to work out our salvation all at the same time, for I don’t see why it can’t all be done, as God has set us to do it all.’  But I heard her at it again about Mary and Martha, and I have no doubt that Mr. Gray will teach her to consider me a lost sheep.”

Project Gutenberg
My Lady Ludlow from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.