Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

“Ned can.  I shall not abate a second.”

“But are you not mistaken in his feelings?” she continued hurriedly.  “He certainly has not said anything to her.”

“That is his last hold on honor and reason.  And to preserve that little intact he wants to run away at once.”

“But that would be very silly.”

“Do you think so?” he said, looking at her fixedly.

“Why not?” she asked in her turn, but rather faintly.

“I’ll tell you why,” he said, lowering his voice with a certain intensity of passion unlike his usual boyish lightheartedness.  “Think of a man whose life has been one of alternate hardness and aggression, of savage disappointment and equally savage successes, who has known no other relaxation than dissipation and extravagance; a man to whom the idea of the domestic hearth and family ties only meant weakness, effeminacy, or—­worse; who had looked for loyalty and devotion only in the man who battled for him at his right hand in danger, or shared his privations and sufferings.  Think of such a man, and imagine that an accident has suddenly placed him in an atmosphere of purity, gentleness, and peace, surrounded him by the refinements of a higher life than he had ever known, and that he found himself as in a dream, on terms of equality with a pure woman who had never known any other life, and yet would understand and pity his.  Imagine his loving her!  Imagine that the first effect of that love was to show him his own inferiority and the immeasurable gulf that lay between his life and hers!  Would he not fly rather than brave the disgrace of her awakening to the truth?  Would he not fly rather than accept even the pity that might tempt her to a sacrifice?”

“But—­is Mr. Falkner all that?”

“Nothing of the kind, I assure you!” said he demurely.  “But that’s the way a man in love feels.”

“Really!  Mr. Falkner should get you to plead his cause with Kate,” said Mrs. Hale with a faint laugh.

“I need all my persuasive powers in that way for myself,” said Lee boldly.

Mrs. Hale rose.  “I think I hear Kate coming,” she said.  Nevertheless, she did not move away.  “It is Kate coming,” she added hurriedly, stooping to pick up her work-basket, which had slipped with Lee’s hand from her own.

It was Kate, who at once flew to her sister’s assistance, Lee deploring from the sofa his own utter inability to aid her.  “It’s all my fault, too,” he said to Kate, but looking at Mrs. Hale.  “It seems I have a faculty of upsetting existing arrangements without the power of improving them, or even putting them back in their places.  What shall I do?  I am willing to hold any number of skeins or rewind any quantity of spools.  I am even willing to forgive Ned for spending the whole day with you, and only bringing me the wing of a hawk for supper.”

“That was all my folly, Mr. Lee,” said Kate, with swift mendacity; “he was all the time looking after something for you, when I begged him to shoot a bird to get a feather for my hat.  And that wing is so pretty.”

Project Gutenberg
Snow-Bound at Eagle's from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.