Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Lifting his eyes, he was suddenly aware that the door leading to the kitchen was slowly opening.  He had thought he heard it creak once or twice during his deliberate reply to Stanner.  It was evidently moving now so as to attract his attention, without disturbing the others.  It presently opened sufficiently wide to show the face of Zeenie, who, with a gesture of caution towards his companions, beckoned him to join her.  He rose carelessly as if going out, and, putting on his hat, entered the kitchen as the retreating figure of the young girl glided lightly towards the stables.  She ascended a few open steps as if to a hay-loft, but stopped before a low door.  Pushing it open, she preceded him into a small room, apparently under the roof, which scarcely allowed her to stand upright.  By the light of a stable lantern hanging from a beam he saw that, though poorly furnished, it bore some evidence of feminine taste and habitation.  Motioning to the only chair, she seated herself on the edge of the bed, with her hands clasping her knees in her familiar attitude.  Her face bore traces of recent agitation, and her eyes were shining with tears.  By the closer light of the lantern he was surprised to find it was from laughter.

“I reckoned you’d be right lonely down there with that Stanner crowd, particklerly after that little speech o’ your’n, so I sez to Maw I’d get you up yer for a spell.  Maw and I heerd you exhort ’em!  Maw allowed you woz talkin’ a furrin’ tongue all along, but I—­sakes alive!—­I hed to hump myself to keep from bustin’ into a yell when yer jist drawed them Webster-unabridged sentences on ’em.”  She stopped and rocked backwards and forwards with a laugh that, subdued by the proximity of the roof and the fear of being overheard, was by no means unmusical.  “I’ll tell ye whot got me, though!  That part commencing, ’Suckamstances over which I’ve no controul.’”

“Oh, come!  I didn’t say that,” interrupted Hale, laughing.

“‘Don’t make it convenient for me to exercise the privilege of kickin’ yer out to that extent,’” she continued; “’but if I cannot dispense with your room, the least I can say is that it’s a d—­d sight better than your company—­’or suthin’ like that!  And then the way you minded your stops, and let your voice rise and fall just ez easy ez if you wos a First Reader in large type.  Why, the Kernel wasn’t nowhere.  His cussin’ didn’t come within a mile o’ yourn.  That Stanner jist turned yaller.”

“I’m afraid you are laughing at me,” said Hale, not knowing whether to be pleased or vexed at the girl’s amusement.

“I reckon I’m the only one that dare do it, then,” said the girl simply.  “The Kernel sez the way you turned round after he’d done his cussin’, and said yer believed you’d stay and take the responsibility of the whole thing—­and did, in that kam, soft, did-anybody-speak-to-me style—­was the neatest thing he’d seen yet.  No!  Maw says I ain’t much on manners, but I know a man when I see him.”

Project Gutenberg
Snow-Bound at Eagle's from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.