Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Mrs. Hale’s instincts were truer than her mother’s experience; not only that the wounded man’s eyes became brighter under the provocation of her presence, but it was evident that his naturally exuberant spirits were a part of his vital strength, and were absolutely essential to his quick recovery.  Encouraged by Falkner’s grave and practical assistance, which she could not ignore, Kate ventured to make an examination of Lee’s wound.  Even to her unpractised eye it was less serious than at first appeared.  The great loss of blood had been due to the laceration of certain small vessels below the knee, but neither artery nor bone was injured.  A recurrence of the haemorrhage or fever was the only thing to be feared, and these could be averted by bandaging, repose, and simple nursing.

The unfailing good humor of the patient under this manipulation, the quaint originality of his speech, the freedom of his fancy, which was, however, always controlled by a certain instinctive tact, began to affect Kate nearly as it had the others.  She found herself laughing over the work she had undertaken in a pure sense of duty; she joined in the hilarity produced by Lee’s affected terror of her surgical mania, and offered to undo the bandages in search of the thimble he declared she had left in the wound with a view to further experiments.

“You ought to broaden your practice,” he suggested.  “A good deal might be made out of Ned and a piece of soap left carelessly on the first step of the staircase, while mountains of surgical opportunities lie in a humble orange peel judiciously exposed.  Only I warn you that you wouldn’t find him as docile as I am.  Decoyed into a snow-drift and frozen, you might get some valuable experiences in resuscitation by thawing him.”

“I fancied you had done that already, Kate,” whispered Mrs. Hale.

“Freezing is the new suggestion for painless surgery,” said Lee, coming to Kate’s relief with ready tact, “only the knowledge should be more generally spread.  There was a man up at Strawberry fell under a sledge-load of wood in the snow.  Stunned by the shock, he was slowly freezing to death, when, with a tremendous effort, he succeeded in freeing himself all but his right leg, pinned down by a small log.  His axe happened to have fallen within reach, and a few blows on the log freed him.”

“And saved the poor fellow’s life,” said Mrs. Scott, who was listening with sympathizing intensity.

“At the expense of his left leg, which he had unknowingly cut off under the pleasing supposition that it was a log,” returned Lee demurely.

Nevertheless, in a few moments he managed to divert the slightly shocked susceptibilities of the old lady with some raillery of himself, and did not again interrupt the even good-humored communion of the party.  The rain beating against the windows and the fire sparkling on the hearth seemed to lend a charm to their peculiar isolation, and it was not until Mrs. Scott rose with a warning that they were trespassing upon the rest of their patient that they discovered that the evening had slipped by unnoticed.  When the door at last closed on the bright, sympathetic eyes of the two young women and the motherly benediction of the elder, Falkner walked to the window, and remained silent, looking into the darkness.  Suddenly he turned bitterly to his companion.

Project Gutenberg
Snow-Bound at Eagle's from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.