Devil's Ford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Devil's Ford.

Devil's Ford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Devil's Ford.

“The only thing on wheels in the camp is a mule wagon, and the mules are packin’ gravel from the river this afternoon,” explained Dick Mattingly apologetically to Christie, “or we’d have toted—­I mean carried—­you and your baggage up to the shant—­the—­your house.  Give us two weeks more, Miss Carr—­only two weeks to wash up our work and realize—­and we’ll give you a pair of 2.40 steppers and a skeleton buggy to meet you at the top of the hill and drive you over to the cabin.  Perhaps you’d prefer a regular carriage; some ladies do.  And a nigger driver.  But what’s the use of planning anything?  Afore that time comes we’ll have run you up a house on the hill, and you shall pick out the spot.  It wouldn’t take long—­unless you preferred brick.  I suppose we could get brick over from La Grange, if you cared for it, but it would take longer.  If you could put up for a time with something of stained glass and a mahogany veranda—­”

In spite of her cold indignation, and the fact that she could understand only a part of Mattingly’s speech, Christie comprehended enough to make her lift her clear eyes to the speaker, as she replied freezingly that she feared she would not trouble them long with her company.

“Oh, you’ll get over that,” responded Mattingly, with an exasperating confidence that drove her nearly frantic, from the manifest kindliness of intent that made it impossible for her to resent it.  “I felt that way myself at first.  Things will look strange and unsociable for a while, until you get the hang of them.  You’ll naturally stamp round and cuss a little—­” He stopped in conscious consternation.

With ready tact, and before Christie could reply, Maryland Joe had put down the trunk and changed hands with his brother.

“You mustn’t mind Dick, or he’ll go off and kill himself with shame,” he whispered laughingly in her ear.  “He means all right, but he’s picked up so much slang here that he’s about forgotten how to talk English, and it’s nigh on to four years since he’s met a young lady.”

Christie did not reply.  Yet the laughter of her sister in advance with the Kearney brothers seemed to make the reserve with which she tried to crush further familiarity only ridiculous.

“Do you know many operas, Miss Carr?”

She looked at the boyish, interested, sunburnt face so near to her own, and hesitated.  After all, why should she add to her other real disappointments by taking this absurd creature seriously?

“In what way?” she returned, with a half smile.

“To play.  On the piano, of course.  There isn’t one nearer here than Sacramento; but I reckon we could get a small one by Thursday.  You couldn’t do anything on a banjo?” he added doubtfully; “Kearney’s got one.”

“I imagine it would be very difficult to carry a piano over those mountains,” said Christie laughingly, to avoid the collateral of the banjo.

Project Gutenberg
Devil's Ford from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.