The Blithedale Romance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Blithedale Romance.

“Have you nothing dismal to remember?” I suggested.  “If not, then, indeed, you are very fortunate!”

“Ah!” said Priscilla slowly.

And then came that unintelligible gesture, when she seemed to be listening to a distant voice.

“For my part,” I continued, beneficently seeking to overshadow her with my own sombre humor, “my past life has been a tiresome one enough; yet I would rather look backward ten times than forward once.  For, little as we know of our life to come, we may be very sure, for one thing, that the good we aim at will not be attained.  People never do get just the good they seek.  If it come at all, it is something else, which they never dreamed of, and did not particularly want.  Then, again, we may rest certain that our friends of to-day will not be our friends of a few years hence; but, if we keep one of them, it will be at the expense of the others; and most probably we shall keep none.  To be sure, there are more to be had; but who cares about making a new set of friends, even should they be better than those around us?”

“Not I!” said Priscilla.  “I will live and die with these!”

“Well; but let the future go,” resumed I.  “As for the present moment, if we could look into the hearts where we wish to be most valued, what should you expect to see?  One’s own likeness, in the innermost, holiest niche?  Ah!  I don’t know!  It may not be there at all.  It may be a dusty image, thrust aside into a corner, and by and by to be flung out of doors, where any foot may trample upon it.  If not to-day, then to-morrow!  And so, Priscilla, I do not see much wisdom in being so very merry in this kind of a world.”

It had taken me nearly seven years of worldly life to hive up the bitter honey which I here offered to Priscilla.  And she rejected it!

“I don’t believe one word of what you say!” she replied, laughing anew.  “You made me sad, for a minute, by talking about the past; but the past never comes back again.  Do we dream the same dream twice?  There is nothing else that I am afraid of.”

So away she ran, and fell down on the green grass, as it was often her luck to do, but got up again, without any harm.

“Priscilla, Priscilla!” cried Hollingsworth, who was sitting on the doorstep; “you had better not run any more to-night.  You will weary yourself too much.  And do not sit down out of doors, for there is a heavy dew beginning to fall.”

At his first word, she went and sat down under the porch, at Hollingsworth’s feet, entirely contented and happy.  What charm was there in his rude massiveness that so attracted and soothed this shadow-like girl?  It appeared to me, who have always been curious in such matters, that Priscilla’s vague and seemingly causeless flow of felicitous feeling was that with which love blesses inexperienced hearts, before they begin to suspect what is going on within them.  It transports them to the seventh heaven; and if you ask what brought them thither, they neither can tell nor care to learn, but cherish an ecstatic faith that there they shall abide forever.

Project Gutenberg
The Blithedale Romance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.