Michael eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Michael.

Michael eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Michael.

His wife, of course, was “one of us,” since he would never have permitted himself to be allied to a woman who was not, though for beauty and wisdom she might have been Aphrodite and Athene rolled compactly into one peerless identity.  As a matter of fact, Lady Ashbridge had not the faintest resemblance to either of these effulgent goddesses.  In person she resembled a camel, long and lean, with a drooping mouth and tired, patient eyes, while in mind she was stunned.  No idea other than an obvious one ever had birth behind her high, smooth forehead, and she habitually brought conversation to a close by the dry enunciation of something indubitably true, which had no direct relation to the point under discussion.  But she had faint, ineradicable prejudices, and instincts not quite dormant.  There was a large quantity of mild affection in her nature, the quality of which may be illustrated by the fact that when her father died she cried a little every day after breakfast for about six weeks.  Then she did not cry any more.  It was impossible not to like what there was of her, but there was really very little to like, for she belonged heart and soul to the generation and the breeding among which it is enough for a woman to be a lady, and visit the keeper’s wife when she has a baby.

But though there was so little of her, the balance was made up for by the fact that there was so much of her husband.  His large, rather flamboyant person, his big white face and curling brown beard, his loud voice and his falsetto laugh, his absolutely certain opinions, above all the fervency of his consciousness of being Lord Ashbridge and all which that implied, completely filled any place he happened to be in, so that a room empty except for him gave the impression of being almost uncomfortably crowded.  This keen consciousness of his identity was naturally sufficient to make him very good humoured, since he was himself a fine example of the type that he admired most.  Probably only two persons in the world had the power of causing him annoyance, but both of these, by an irony of fate that it seemed scarcely possible to consider accidental, were closely connected with him, for one was his sister, the other his only son.

The grounds of their potentiality in this respect can be easily stated.  Barbara Comber, his sister (and so “one of us"), had married an extremely wealthy American, who, in Lord Ashbridge’s view, could not be considered one of anybody at all; in other words, his imagination failed to picture a whole class of people who resembled Anthony Jerome.  He had hoped when his sister announced her intention of taking this deplorable step that his future brother-in-law would at any rate prove to be a snob—­he had a vague notion that all Americans were snobs—­and that thus Mr. Jerome would have the saving grace to admire and toady him.  But Mr. Jerome showed no signs of doing anything of the sort; he treated him with an austere and distant politeness that Lord Ashbridge

Project Gutenberg
Michael from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.