Beasts, Men and Gods eBook

Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 287 pages of information about Beasts, Men and Gods.

Beasts, Men and Gods eBook

Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 287 pages of information about Beasts, Men and Gods.

Lan.—­A weight of silver or gold equivalent to about one-eleventh of a
Russian pound, or 9/110ths of a pound avoirdupois.

Lanhon.—­A round bottle of clay.

Maramba.—­A doctor of theology.

Merin.—­The civil chief of police in every district of the Soyot country in Urianhai.

“Om!  Mani padme Hung!".—­“Om” has two meanings.  It is the name of the first Goro and also means:  “Hail!” In this connection:  “Hail!  Great Lama in the Lotus Flower!”

Mende.—­Soyot greeting—­“Good Day.”

Nagan-hushun.—­A Chinese vegetable garden or enclosure in Mongolia.

Naida.—­A form of fire used by Siberian woodsmen.

Noyon.—­A Prince or Khan.  In polite address:  “Chief,” “Excellency.”

Obo.—­The sacred and propitiatory signs in all the dangerous places in
Urianhai and Mongolia.

Olets.—­Vid:  Kalmuck.

Om.—­The name of the first Goro (q.v.) and also of the mysterious, magic science of the Subterranean State.  It means, also:  “Hail!”

Orochons.—­A Mongolian tribe, living near the shores of the Amur River in Siberia.

Oulatchen.—­The guard for the post horses; official guide.

Ourton.—­A post station, where the travelers change horses and oulatchens.

Pandita.—­The high rank of Buddhist monks.

Panti.—­Deer horns in the velvet, highly prized as a Tibetan and Chinese medicine.

Pogrom.—­A wholesale slaughter of unarmed people; a massacre.

Paspa.—­The founder of the Yellow Sect, predominating now in the Lamaite faith.

Sait.—­A Mongolian governor.

Salga.—­A sand partridge.

Sayn.—­“Good day!” “Good morning!” “Good evening!” All right; good.

Taiga.—­A Siberian word for forest.

Taimen.—­A species of big trout, reaching 120 pounds.

Ta Lama.—­Literally:  “the great priest,” but it means now “a doctor of medicine.”

Tashur.—­A strong bamboo stick.

Turpan.—­The red wild goose or Lama-goose.


Tzara.—­A document, giving the right to receive horses and oulatchens at the post stations.

Tsirik.—­Mongolian soldiers mobilized by levy.

Tzuren.—­A doctor-poisoner.


Urga.—­The name of the capital of Mongolia; (2) a kind of Mongolian lasso.

Vatannen.—­The language of the Subterranean State of the King of the

Wapiti.—­The American elk.

Yurta.—­The common Mongolian tent or house, made of felt.

Zahachine.—­A West Mongolian wandering tribe.

Zaberega.—­The ice-mountains formed along the shores of a river in spring.

Zikkurat.—­A high tower of Babylonish style.

Project Gutenberg
Beasts, Men and Gods from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.