Captain Blood eBook

Rafael Sabatini
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 422 pages of information about Captain Blood.

Captain Blood eBook

Rafael Sabatini
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 422 pages of information about Captain Blood.

“With the utmost submission, monsieur.  But at the same time I will remind M. le Baron that my buccaneers number eight hundred; your troops five hundred; and M. de Cussy will inform you of the interesting fact that any one buccaneer is equal in action to at least three soldiers of the line.  I am perfectly frank with you, monsieur, to save time and hard words.  Either Captain Wolverstone is instantly set at liberty, or we must take measures to set him at liberty ourselves.  The consequences may be appalling.  But it is as you please, M. le Baron.  You are the supreme authority.  It is for you to say.”

M. de Rivarol was white to the lips.  In all his life he had never been so bearded and defied.  But he controlled himself.

“You will do me the favour to wait in the ante-room, M. le Capitaine.  I desire a word with M. de Cussy.  You shall presently be informed of my decision.”

When the door had closed, the baron loosed his fury upon the head of M. de Cussy.

“So, these are the men you have enlisted in the King’s service, the men who are to serve under me — men who do not serve, but dictate, and this before the enterprise that has brought me from France is even under way!  What explanations do you offer me, M. de Cussy?  I warn you that I am not pleased with you.  I am, in fact, as you may perceive, exceedingly angry.”

The Governor seemed to shed his chubbiness.  He drew himself stiffly erect.

“Your rank, monsieur, does not give you the right to rebuke me; nor do the facts.  I have enlisted for you the men that you desired me to enlist.  It is not my fault if you do not know how to handle them better.  As Captain Blood has told you, this is the New World.”

“So, so!” M. de Rivarol smiled malignantly.  “Not only do you offer no explanation, but you venture to put me in the wrong.  Almost I admire your temerity.  But there!” he waved the matter aside.  He was supremely sardonic.  “It is, you tell me, the New World, and — new worlds, new manners, I suppose.  In time I may conform my ideas to this new world, or I may conform this new world to my ideas.”  He was menacing on that.  “For the moment I must accept what I find.  It remains for you, monsieur, who have experience of these savage by-ways, to advise me out of that experience how to act.”

“M. le Baron, it was a folly to have arrested the buccaneer captain.  It would be madness to persist.  We have not the forces to meet force.”

“In that case, monsieur, perhaps you will tell me what we are to do with regard to the future.  Am I to submit at every turn to the dictates of this man Blood?  Is the enterprise upon which we are embarked to be conducted as he decrees?  Am I, in short, the King’s representative in America, to be at the mercy of these rascals?”

“Oh, by no means.  I am enrolling volunteers here in Hispaniola, and I am raising a corps of negroes.  I compute that when this is done we shall have a force of a thousand men, the buccaneers apart.”

Project Gutenberg
Captain Blood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.