Pathfinder; or, the inland sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about Pathfinder; or, the inland sea.

Pathfinder; or, the inland sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about Pathfinder; or, the inland sea.

“And we counted on you, friend mariner, as a mainstay,” said Pathfinder, winking to Jasper over his shoulder; “for you are accustomed to see waves tumbling about; and without some one to steady the cargo, all the finery of the Sergeant’s daughter might be washed into the river and be lost.”

Cap was puzzled.  The idea of going over a waterfall was, perhaps, more serious in his eyes than it would have been in those of one totally ignorant of all that pertained to boats; for he understood the power of the element, and the total feebleness of man when exposed to its fury.  Still his pride revolted at the thought of deserting the boat, while others not only steadily, but coolly, proposed to continue in it.  Notwithstanding the latter feeling, and his innate as well as acquired steadiness in danger, he would probably have deserted his post; had not the images of Indians tearing scalps from the human head taken so strong hold of his fancy as to induce him to imagine the canoe a sort of sanctuary.

“What is to be done with Magnet?” he demanded, affection for his niece raising another qualm in his conscience.  “We cannot allow Magnet to land if there are enemy’s Indians near?”

“Nay, no Mingo will be near the portage, for that is a spot too public for their devilries,” answered the Pathfinder confidently.  “Natur’ is natur’, and it is an Indian’s natur’ to be found where he is least expected.  No fear of him on a beaten path; for he wishes to come upon you when unprepared to meet him, and the fiery villains make it a point to deceive you, one way or another.  Sheer in, Eau-douce, and we will land the Sergeant’s daughter on the end of that log, where she can reach the shore with a dry foot.”

The injunction was obeyed, and in a few minutes the whole party had left the canoe, with the exception of Pathfinder and the two sailors.  Notwithstanding his professional pride, Cap would have gladly followed; but he did not like to exhibit so unequivocal a weakness in the presence of a fresh-water sailor.

“I call all hands to witness,” said he, as those who had landed moved away, “that I do not look on this affair as anything more than canoeing in the woods.  There is no seamanship in tumbling over a waterfall, which is a feat the greatest lubber can perform as well as the oldest mariner.”

“Nay, nay, you needn’t despise the Oswego Falls, neither,” put in Pathfinder; “for, thought they may not be Niagara, nor the Genessee, nor the Cahoos, nor Glenn’s, nor those on the Canada, they are narvous enough for a new beginner.  Let the Sergeant’s daughter stand on yonder rock, and she will see the manner in which we ignorant backwoodsmen get over a difficulty that we can’t get under.  Now, Eau-douce, a steady hand and a true eye, for all rests on you, seeing that we can count Master Cap for no more than a passenger.”

Project Gutenberg
Pathfinder; or, the inland sea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.