Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus.

Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus.

STEAMED PUDDING—­Beat one-half cup of butter with one cup of sugar to a cream, add two beaten eggs and cup of flour sifted with one teaspoon each of cinnamon and soda, two cups of breadcrumbs, soaked in one cup of sour milk.  Add one cup of chopped and seeded raisins and one-half cup of chopped dates.  Steam two hours and serve with whipped cream.

STRAWBERRY SARABANDE—­Whip a cupful thick cream until very stiff, then fold carefully into it a pint of fresh berries cut in small pieces with a silver knife.  Have ready a tablespoonful gelatin soaked in a quarter cup cold water for half an hour, then dissolved by setting the cup containing it in hot water.  Add by degrees to the berries and cream, whipping it in so that it will not string.  Add three tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and when it stiffens turn into a cold mold and set on the ice.  When ready to serve turn out onto a pretty dessert platter.

WALNUT SUNDAE—­Put one cone of vanilla ice cream in a sherbet cup, or better yet in a champagne glass and sprinkle with minced walnuts.

YORKSHIRE PUDDING—­Take an equal number of eggs and tablespoonful of sifted flour, and when the eggs are well beaten mix them in with the flour, add some salt and a little grated nutmeg, and then pour in as much new milk as will make a batter of the consistency of cream, stir the batter with a fork well for ten minutes and then put in at once into a baking tin, which must be very hot, containing a couple of tablespoons of hot drippings.  Set the pudding in oven to bake or before the fire under the roasting meat.  When ready to serve cut the pudding into squares and send to the table on a separate dish.

APPLE PUDDING—­Butter a pudding dish and line it with slices of toasted stale bread buttered and wet with milk.  Over these put a thick layer of peeled, cored, and sliced tart apples, and sprinkle generously with granulated sugar and cinnamon or nutmeg.  Over these put a cover of more toast buttered, moistened and sprinkled with sugar.  Cover with a plate and bake for two hours in a moderate oven, taking off the plate toward the last that the top may brown.  Serve with maple or other syrup for sauce.

APPLE PUDDING—­Four cups flour, one level teaspoon salt, six level teaspoons baking powder, four level tablespoons butter, two cups milk, two cups finely chopped apple, one-half cup butter, two cups sugar, one and one-half quarts water.  Sift together the flour, salt, and baking powder.  Work in the butter with the fingers and add the milk.  Mix well, turn onto floured board, roll out one-half inch thick, cover with the apple and roll up like a jelly roll.  Press the ends together and press down the side, to keep the apple in.  Place in a buttered pan and add the butter, sugar and water.  Bake in a moderate oven for one and one-half hours.

Project Gutenberg
Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.