Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus.

Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus.

SULTANA TEA CAKES—­Into three-quarters of a pound of flour stir a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of baking powder, three ounces of butter and lard mixed in equal portions, three ounces of sifted sugar and two ounces of sultanas.  Chop one and half ounces of candied lemon peel, add that and moisten all with two well beaten eggs and a little milk if necessary.  Work these ingredients together, with a wooden spoon turn on to a board and form into round cakes.  Place them on a floured baking sheet and cook in a quick oven.  Five minutes before the cakes are done brush them over with milk to form a glaze, and when ready to serve cut each through with a knife and spread liberally with butter.

SUNSHINE CAKE—­Cream one cup of butter, add two cups of sugar and beat, add one cup of milk, the yolks of eleven eggs beaten until very light and smooth, and three cups of flour sifted with four teaspoons of baking powder three times to make it very light.  Turn into a tube baking pan and bake three-quarters of an hour in a moderate oven.

TEA CAKE—­This cake is to be eaten warm with butter.  Rub a rounding tablespoon of butter into three cups of flour sifted with a saltspoon of salt, six level teaspoons of baking powder and one-quarter cup of sugar.  Beat one egg light, add one and one-half cups of milk and the dry ingredients and beat well.  Pour into a long buttered pan and bake about twenty minutes.  Do not slice this cake, but cut through the crust with a sharp knife and break apart.  This mixture can be baked in muffin tins, but it saves time to bake it in a loaf.

VELVET CAKE—­One-half cup butter, one and one-half cups sugar, yolks four eggs, one-half cup milk, one and one-half cups flour, one-half cup cornstarch, four level teaspoons baking powder, whites four eggs, one-third cup almonds blanched shredded.  Cream the butter, add gradually the sugar, then the egg-yolks well beaten.  Beat well and add the milk, the flour, cornstarch, and baking powder sifted together, and egg whites beaten stiff.  Beat well and turn into buttered shallow pan.  Sprinkle with the almonds, then with powdered sugar and bake forty minutes in a moderate oven.

WHITE PATTY CAKES—­Cream one-third cup of butter with one cup of sugar, add one-half cup of milk, one and three-quarter cups of flour sifted twice with two and one-half level teaspoons of baking powder, and flavor with a mixture of one-third teaspoon of lemon flavoring and two-thirds teaspoon of vanilla flavoring.  Bake in little plain patty pans and cover the top of each with white icing.  Garnish with two little leaves cut from angelica and a bit of red candied cherry.

COFFEE CREAM CAKES AND FILLING—­Roll good plain paste three-eighths of an inch thick and cut in rounds and through a pastry tube force a cream cake mixture to make a border come out even with the edge of the round, and bake in a hot oven.  Fill and frost.  For the cream cake mixture put one cup of boiling water, one-half cup of butter and one level tablespoon of sugar together in a saucepan and boil one minute, then add one and three-quarters cups of flour all at once.  Stir rapidly and when the cooked mixture cleaves from the pan add five eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition.  Do not beat the eggs before adding.

Project Gutenberg
Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.