Sunny Slopes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Sunny Slopes.

Sunny Slopes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Sunny Slopes.

“‘Yes, what are you?’

“Well, I am your pal, your chum, your old schoolmate, your best friend,—­’

“‘Oh, that was before I was engaged.’

“‘Engaged?’ Dan was staggered.  ’Are you really engaged then?  Have you found the right one?’

“‘Being engaged alters the situation.  You must see that.’

“‘Who is it?’

“’Oh, don’t be so silly.  I haven’t found the right one yet.  But the principle is just the same.  With marriage just ahead of me, all the rest of the world must stand back to give place to my fiance.’

“Dan sneered.  ’Yeh, look at the world standing back and gazing with envy on this moonbeam fiance.  Look!’

“’Oh, Dan it is the most fascinating thing in the world.  In four months I may be standing at the altar, dressed in filmy white,—­I bought the veil yesterday,—­promising to love, honor and obey,—­with reservations,—­for the rest of my life.  A little home of my own, a husband to pet, and chum with,—­I am awfully happy, Dan, honestly I am.’

“And Carol I did enjoy it.  It was fun.  I was simply hypnotized with the idea of having a house and a husband and a lot of little Julias.  Dan glared at me in disgust.  Then he went home, snarling about my mushiness.  But he thought it was becoming to me.  He said I got prettier every day.  I would not even let him touch my hand any more.  You know Dan and I were pretty good pals for a long time, and he was allowed little privileges like that.  Now it was all off.  Dan might rave and Dan might storm, but I stood firm.  He could not touch my hands!  I was consecrated to my future husband.

“’It may not be wicked, Dan, I do not say it is.  But it makes me shiver to think what would happen if my husband caught you doing it.  He might kill you on the spot.’

“‘You haven’t got a husband,’ Dan would snap.

“‘The principle is just the same.’  Then I would dimple up at him.  I am not the dimply type of girl, I know, but there are times when one has simply got to dimple at a man, and by wrinkling my face properly I can give the dimple effect.  I have practised it weary hours before the mirror.  I have often prayed for a dimpled skin like yours, Carol, but I guess the Lord could not figure out how to manage it since my skin was practically finished before I began to pray.  ’I keep wondering what he will like for breakfast,’ I said to Dan.  ’Isn’t that silly?  I hope he does not want fried potatoes.  It seems so horrible to have potatoes for breakfast.’  Then I added loyally, ’But he will probably be a very strong character, original, and unique, and men like that always have a few idiosyncrasies, so if he wants fried potatoes for breakfast he shall have them.’

“Dan sniffed again.  He was becoming a chronic sniffer in these days of my engagement.

Project Gutenberg
Sunny Slopes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.