Catholic Problems in Western Canada eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Catholic Problems in Western Canada.

Catholic Problems in Western Canada eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Catholic Problems in Western Canada.

The Church in the East, through the Catholic Church Extension Society, would gladly, if well informed on the matter, furnish the financial aid for the support of these “free lances”—­and their apostolic activities.  The Catholic Truth Society would gladly, contribute all the literature needed to spread the truth and to keep the fires of faith burning on our prairies.  Grouping forces, co-ordination of efforts, is what we need most in Canada.  In the rank and file of the Catholic laity treasures of enthusiasm, latent powers of energy go to waste because there is no leader to awaken and direct them.  The policy of the Catholic Church Extension is to act on these long unspoken desires, to loosen the pent-up energies of the Catholic heart throughout the land.

The Specific Object of the Catholic Church Extension Society

Through its press, literature, auxiliary societies and various other activities, this apostolic society is ever trying to quicken among Catholics a profound sense of responsibility to the Church Universal.  The welfare of our Western missions depends on how the Church in the East understands and shoulders its obligation.

By financial aid we do not only mean donations and contributions, here and there, from wealthy Catholics.  What we have in view is the financial assistance of the Church in the East, as a whole, as a corporate body.  Every Catholic in Canada must become more or less interested in “Home Missions” and be willing to do “his little bit.”  As the small fibrous roots are the feeders and strength of the tree, so also the small and continued donations of all Catholics in the East will be the support of our missions in the West.  In the various Protestant denominations, for every dollar given to support of the local church another dollar goes to the “Home Mission Fund.”  At the last general Methodist Conference (Hamilton, 1918) that Church pledged eight million dollars ($8,000,000.00) for their missions in the next five years.  With the enormous sums these various religious bodies receive from the East they support the non-Catholic institutions of higher education to be found in all cities of Western Canada, they distribute free of charge tons of literature throughout the prairie, they defray the expenses of their social workers, field secretaries, etc.  Among the Catholics of hundreds of parishes does not the prevailing policy seem to be:  “Charity begins at home”—­and we may add, often ends there.  When one has paid his pew-rent and his dues, bought a few tickets for a sacred concert or bazaar, thrown on the collection plate each Sunday a few coppers or a small piece of silver, he thinks he has accomplished all his duty to the Church.  The vision of too many Catholics does not go beyond the boundaries of their parish or their diocese.  Circumscribed in their views, they remain illiberal in their sympathies.

Project Gutenberg
Catholic Problems in Western Canada from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.