Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

So skillfully is the combination made that no one ingredient interferes with the other, but on the contrary each seems to vie with the other in building up and renovating a shattered, weakened and disordered system.

Bilious, soggy, sleepy men, with aching heads, foul breaths, bad tasting mouths on rising, clogged secretions, sense of inability to exertion, furred or yellow tongues, and the like, absolutely need the Tonic-Regulator, and not Blue Mass or Anti-Bilious Pills.  Weak, nervous, spiritless, exhausted, debilitated, pale, ambitionless, easily tired, prone to become short of breath and have pain in side on running, who find it hard to get sleep, are restless, brood over their troubles, real or imaginary, start at loud noises or sudden jars, perspire too easily, flush too readily, are not rested by sleep, and who are neuralgic, certainly need the Tonic-Regulator, and will find it rapid in action and very pleasant in its results.  Health, strength, vigor, rosy cheeks, elastic step, cheery voice, zest and happiness, hope and ambition, hardy flesh and good ruddy blood, made by a perfect digestion of strong foods, will certainly follow, and as they come, all the old myths and phantoms, the melancholy, dread and brooding will disappear like unhealthy nightly vapors before the sun.

Men, young or old, who have let business cares and worries, mental trouble, family jars, overwork and constant brain wear and tear, confinement, or long hours in unhealthy offices, lack of exercise, too rapid bolting of food, and the like, ruin their previously good constitutions; or those who, through youthful abuses committed in ignorance and repented so bitterly, or later excesses from unbridled passions, have drained their vitality, established a condition of sexual atony (a, without; tonos, tone or strength or vigor), or done serious harm to their nervous systems, brains or minds, will find the very Vital Restorative and Special Generative Tonic they need the most in Civiale’s Tonic-Regulator.

It does not do one thing; it does many.  While it throws open one door to let health, strength and vigor enter, it opens others for poisonous secretions, blood impurities and waste products to escape.  It not only makes the blood purer and richer, but it strengthens the organ (the heart) that pumps it everywhere throughout the system.  It not only builds up and rejuvenates the general system, but it brings vernal strength and power to the weakened and debilitated organs.

It was here that Civiale made Common Sense and Medical Science join hands. (a) With his Medicated Urethral Crayons he healed and strengthened the organs of Generation by direct local application. (b) While with the Tonic-Regulator he sent his powerful yet harmless emissaries (Tonics, Digestives, Cholagogues, Nervines and Nerve Foods, Laxatives, Diuretics, etc., etc.) into the system, by the stomach, with the food, thus guaranteeing their entrance into the blood which carried them to every nerve fibre and tissue and attacked the disease on every side.

Project Gutenberg
Manhood Perfectly Restored from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.