Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

But that is no reason why proper and absolutely unirritating and bland medicines, such as those in the +Civiale Crayons+, should do this—­and they don’t do it.  Make up a strong injection of zinc, copper, &c., and take a swallow of it.  It will burn and pain your mouth and throat, make you hoarse, and for days afterward you will find it painful to swallow.  Put a troche or lozenge, properly medicated for the purpose, into your mouth, and, instead of causing pain, irritation and difficulty in swallowing, it will relieve these symptoms if they exist, cool and calm the membrane, soothe the irritation, and give tone and strength to the vocal chords.


(1.) They are wholly unlike any caustic, metallic or irritating injection.

(2.) They do not contain a grain of any mineral, caustic or irritant of any kind.

(3.) Their ingredients are purely vegetable.

(4.) They soothe, calm and allay irritation, and give strength and tone to the mucous membrane, Seminal Ducts, Generative Nerves and Prostate Gland.

(5.) They do not cause stricture, but they cure it if it exists.

(6.) Allow one to dissolve in the mouth, eye, ear, nose, or, in fact anywhere. and they will be found to possess only soothing and healing properties.

(7.) They can be inserted into the penis without the slightest trouble, and, melting rapidly and easily, flow down in a bland, soothing, healing and strength and life-giving stream, over the diseased parts.

These Crayons have been in constant use in Paris for the past 25 years, and have never yet, and never will, cause the slightest pain or irritation.  Patients may rest assured, therefore, that in using these standard French Remedies they are absolutely protected, and need not feel the slightest degree of fear.  Indeed, so well established is this fact that we are willing to pay $1,000 (one thousand dollars) to any person or persons who can cite a single instance when the Civiale Crayons have ever done the slightest harm.

The disease is in the Urethra or Urine Channel, whether it be Spermatorrhoe, Impotence, Prostatitis or gleet, and in order to effect a lasting cure, the remedies must be applied directly to the diseased membrane.  In nine cases out of ten, Spasmodic Stricture already exists and must be cured before the person can get well, and the only way to cure it is to apply the medicines directly to it.

It would be as silly for a man with an ulcer on his leg, or a crushed finger, to expect to cure it by taking drugs by the stomach and not applying proper lotions and salves directly to it, as to try to cure seminal disease or weakness without going right to the spot, as can be done by the use of the elegant and harmless Crayons of Civiale.

It was by establishing the fact of local disease and a local remedy clearly and distinctly, upon both physiological and pathological grounds and data, that +Lallemand+ and +Civiale+ gained such world-wide reputation.  And it was the discovery of not only the proper remedies, but an elegant and perfect means of applying them directly to the very seat and root of the disease, that has made the Civiale Method so justly famous, and has crowned its use with such undoubted success in this country, even in cases where every other plan and agent had failed.

Project Gutenberg
Manhood Perfectly Restored from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.