Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

An ominous lull and silence

An open and violent rupture

An outburst of impassioned eloquence

An unaccountable feeling of antipathy

An unbecoming vehemence

An undisciplined state of feeling

An unerring sense of humor

An unparalleled and almost miraculous growth

An unparalleled atrocity

An unpatriotic and ignoble act

An unreasoning form of coercion

An utterly vile and detestable spirit

And now I address myself to my task

And the like

Announced in a tone of pious satisfaction

Another thought importuned him
                           [importuned = insistent or repeated requests]

Anticipated with lively expectation

Apparent rather than real

Appeal to a tardy justice

Appreciably above the level of mediocrity

Arbitrary assumption of power

Ardently and enthusiastically convinced

Argued with immense force and feeling

Arrayed with scrupulous neatness

Arrogance and untutored haughtiness

As an impartial bystander

As belated as they are fallacious

As by a secret of freemasonry

As odious as it is absurd

As ridiculous as it was unnecessary

As we scan the vague unknown

Assailed by poignant doubts

Assume a menacing attitude

Assumed almost heroic proportions

At once epigrammatic and arresting [epigrammatic = terse and witty]

At once misleading and infelicitous

At the mercy of small prejudices

Attained by rigorous self-restraint

Attended by insuperable difficulties

Averted by some happy stroke of fortune

Await the sentence of impartial posterity

Awaited with feverish anxiety


Bandied to and fro

Based on a fundamental error

Beguile the tedium of the journey

Bemoaning and bewailing his sad fortune

Beset with external dangers

Betrayed into deplorable error

Bewildering multiplication of details

Beyond the dreams of avarice

Blended with courage and devotion

Blind leaders of the blind

Blunt the finer sensibilities

Blustering desire for publicity

Bound up with impossibilities and absurdities

Breathed an almost exaggerated humility

Bred in the tepid reticence of propriety

Brief ventures of kindliness

Brilliant display of ingenious argument

Bring odium upon the individual

Brisk directness of speech

Brutal recognition of failure

Bursts of unpremeditated frankness

But delusions and phantasmagoria

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.