Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

gaunt specter

gay defiance

general acclamation

generative influence

generic characteristics

generous abundance

genial tolerance

genteel parlance

gentle blandishments [blandishments = coax by flattery]

gentlemanly personage

genuine cynicism

geological enigma

geometrical progression

germinal idea

ghastly loneliness

ghostly apparitions

giant height

giddy pleasure

gifted intelligence

gigantic sagacity [sagacity = discerning, sound in judgment; wisdom.]

girlish sprightliness

gladdening influence

gladiatorial exercise

gladsome glow

glaring impropriety

glassy smoothness

gleaming escutcheon
              [escutcheon = shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms]

gleeful spirit

glibly condoned

gliding measures

glimmering idea

glistening dewdrop

glittering epigram

gloomy musing

glorious freedom

glossed faults

glowering countenance

glowing anticipations

gnawing thoughts

godlike independence

golden opportunity

good-humored gibes

gorgeous splendor

gossiping opinion

governing impulse

graceful demeanor

gracious immunity

graduated sequence

grandiose nomenclature

graphic portrayal

grasping credulity

gratuitous rudeness

grave reticence

greedy grasp

gregarious humanity

grievously mistaken

grim swiftness

grinding despotism

grinning ghosts

griping fascination

grizzled warrior

gross exaggeration

grotesque perversion

groundless fear

groveling servility

growing tension

grudging thanks

grumbling monotone

guileless zeal

gullible humanity

gurgling brooks

gushing enthusiasm

gusty clamor

guttural incoherence

gymnastic agility


habitual deference

hackneyed statement

hairbreadth difference

halcyon innocence [halcyon = tranquil; prosperous; golden]

hallowed stillness

halting praise

hampered power

handsomely recompensed

haphazard ostentation

happy intuition

harassing anxiety

hardened indifference

harmless mirth

harmonious grace

harrowing details

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.