Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

The shadows of the night seemed to retreat

The shadows rested quietly under the breezeless sky

The shafts of ridicule

The sheer weight of unbearable loneliness

The shiver of the dusk passed fragrantly down the valley

The silence grew stolid

The silence was uncomfortable and ominous

The silent day perfumed with the hidden flowers

The silver silence of the night

The sinking sun made mellow gold of all the air

The sky grew brighter with the imminent day

The sky grew ensaffroned with the indescribable hue that heralds day

The sky put on the panoply of evening

The sky was a relentless, changeless blue

The sky was dull and brooding

The sky was heavily sprinkled with stars

The sky was turning to the pearly gray of dawn

The smiling incarnation of loveliness

The song of hurrying rivers

The sound of the sea waxed

The spacious leisure of the forest

The spell of a deathless dream was upon them

The star-strewn spaces of the night

The stars looked down in their silent splendor

The stars seemed attentive

The steadfast mind kept its hope

The steady thunder of the sea accented the silence

The still voice of the poet

The stillness of a forced composure

The stillness of the star-hung night

The strangest thought shimmered through her

The stream forgot to smile

The streams laughed to themselves

The strident discord seemed to mock his mood

The stunning crash of the ocean saluted her

The subtle emanation of other influences seemed to arrest and chill him

The sudden rush of the awakened mind

The summit of human attainment

The sun blazed torridly

The sun goes down in flame on the far horizon

The sun lay golden-soft over the huddled hills

The sunlight spread at a gallop along the hillside

The sunset was rushing to its height
through every possible phase of violence and splendor

The suspicion of secret malevolence

The swelling tide of memory

The swing of the pendulum through an arch of centuries

The tempered daylight of an olive garden

The tender grace of a day that is fled

The tension of struggling tears which strove for an outlet

The thought leaped

The timely effusion of tearful sentiment

The tone betrayed a curious irritation

The torture of his love and terror crushed him

The trees rustled and whispered to the streams

The tumult in her heart subsided

The tumult in her mind found sudden speech

The tumult of pride and pleasure

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.