Orange and Green eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about Orange and Green.

Orange and Green eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about Orange and Green.

“Well, we might,” Larry agreed.  “At any rate, we can try.”

So, calling together two or three other boys, they had lifted the light boat and carried it with its oars along the shore, until they got beyond the Nose; but even here, it was a formidable business to launch her, for, although the rocks broke the full force of the seas, throwing the spray hundreds of feet up in the air, the waves poured through the intervals, and dashed over the lower rocks in such masses that formidable waves rolled in to the shore.

After much consultation, the boys agreed that their best plan was to scramble out on the rocks as far as possible, so as to launch the boat beyond the break of the surf.

It was a hazardous enterprise, and the whole party were, several times, nearly washed into the water as they struggled out.  At last, they reached a spot beyond which they could go no farther, as a deep passage was here broken in the rock.  But they were now beyond the line of breakers.

After several vain efforts to launch the boat, in each of which she narrowly escaped destruction, they agreed that the only plan was, after a wave passed, to drop her on to a flat rock, which then showed above the water, and to jump into her.

The two boys on shore were to hold the head rope, to prevent her being dashed towards the land by the next wave, while Larry worked with the oars to get her away from the ridge.  The moment the wave had passed under them, the head rope was to be thrown off.

This plan was carried out.  The two boys had but just time to jump into the boat and get out their oars, when the next wave lifted the boat high on its crest.  The lads holding the rope were nearly torn from the rock, but they held on till the strain ceased, then they threw in the rope, and Walter and Larry bent to their oars.

“Row easy, Larry,” Walter said, as the next wave passed under them, “and put her head to each wave.”

Terrible as was the sea, the curragh floated buoyantly over it, though several times, as she rose to the steep waves, Walter thought that she would be thrown right over.  The worst part of their task was over, when they got beyond the end of the Nose, for up to that point they were forced to row across the course of the waves, and continually to turn the boat, to face the great masses of water which ran between the rocks.  But once beyond the end of the reef they turned her head north, and rowed straight towards the ship.

“She has struck, Master Walter,” Larry said, glancing over his shoulder, “and her masts are gone.”

“Lay out, then, Larry, there’s no time to lose.”

But, in spite of their efforts, the boat moved but slowly through the water, for the wind caught her high bow with such force that, at times, it needed all their strength and skill to keep her head straight.  At last they were close to the ship, which already showed signs of breaking up.  They ranged up alongside of it.

Project Gutenberg
Orange and Green from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.