Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 138 pages of information about Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul.

Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 138 pages of information about Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul.

Remembering that foundations of love upon this earthly planet were, of necessity, laid in the selfish instincts of the race—­a race as yet so undeveloped in all that “makes for righteousness”—­we need not despair of the final outcome, and realization of its high behest to the children of men; for no expression of love, however mean in view of our own exalted ideals, but is, in reality, an effort towards something higher and better.  The obdurate and selfish are unfolded, and taught by its painful misunderstandings, and awful tragedies.

Those poor souls who expect everything from this life, whose ideals are bounded by their own selfishness, who have never discovered that God is Love, and that only through love, purified, exalted and idealized can any of his earthly children ever reach to any conscious relationship with our Father in Heaven, and who, failing to realize even their low ideals, pass on from one experience to another vainly searching for the realization of what their dimly perceived intuitions of love constantly assure them should be theirs—­for even such as these there must be a final redemption; for, like one of old, they have “loved much,” and the sins of a vast ignorance are at last condoned by God’s all pervading, untiring, illimitable law of love.

O ye! who labor for humanity’s uplifting; O weary workers in the homely ways of the unskilled in every relationship of life, unrecognized by your fellows be ye of good cheer!  As the circling waves of a calm lake spread wider, and more widely from a center disturbed by some heavy substance, so shall your least word, or thought of pure, unselfish love, from your overburdened lives, reach out and diffuse an influence throughout the universe of God, and become a part of the life immortal!

Love, and love alone creates the desire for immortality, lifts up and renews the oft fainting faith, the faltering, changeful hope, and perpetuates the expectations of the restoration of beloved companions, the reunion of families, and friends.  It inspires the spirit, and seals the brokenhearted to the service of “ideal love.”  It leads the human soul onward, and upward, until it triumphs, at last, over this life’s defeats and losses, and its manifold despairs.

Undeterred by the alarms of war, the wails of the diseased and famine-cursed, and the violent protests of the oppressed, and misery-steeped unfortunates of this plane of being, the “Prince of Peace” is calling together his scattered forces.  The beacon lights shine along the high places where dwell the exalted, and powerful ones of earth, and glimmer faintly from the lowlands, where the dire enemies of mankind—­ignorance and superstition—­are, at last, learning that God, the true God, loves, and cannot hate.

The “ground-swell” of the “ideal love” cannot be resisted, nor overborne by any competing power in the universe, and with ever-increasing force and power to conquer all of earth’s conditions of unrest, and dissatisfaction, born of false ideals, it will sweep resistlessly on, until it is merged in God.  The recognition of the homogeneity of the race, and the “Fatherhood of God,” shall bring the longed for fulfillment of the ancient prophecy of “Peace on Earth, and good will to Man.”

Project Gutenberg
Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.