Types of Naval Officers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Types of Naval Officers.

Types of Naval Officers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Types of Naval Officers.

Channel Fleet, Keppel appointed to command
  of, 176; 183; 271; 281; 286; 287;
  Howe takes command of, 299;
  Howe remains in nominal command of, 318;
  Howe formally retires from command of, 319;
  Jervis attached to, 331;
  rumor concerning command of, 337;
  lack of discipline in, 367; 374; 375;
  St. Vincent again called to command of, 380;
  Tisiphone attached to, 392; 394;
  St. Vincent takes command of, 411; 451; 454.

Channel Islands, Saumarez commander-in-chief at, 421.

Charente, river, French vessels flee up, 117.

Charleston, British fleet arrives off, 386.

Cherbourg, Saumarez present at beginning of work on breakwater at, 398;
  frigate Reunion quits, 399.

CHEVALIER, Captain, tribute of, to Admiral Howe, 296.

Cleopatre, ship, fight of, with Nymphe, 448, 449.

CLINTON, Sir Henry, his evacuation of New York, 277;
  at Cape May, 278;
  reaches Navesink, 279; 280.

CODRINGTON, Lieutenant, 311; 316.

  criticises movement of Admiral Mann, 348;
  at battle off Cape St. Vincent, 355; 410;
  off Brest, 412;
  Pellew succeeds, 460.

CONFLANS, opposed by Hawke, 126;
  sails, 135;
  his fleet breaks apart and flees, 141;
  his flag-ship destroyed, 141; 273.

COOK, James, master of fleet at Quebec, 326, 327.

COOPER, naval historian, his opinion of Arnold, 440.

Copenhagen, 413; 446.

Cornwall, 429.

Cornwall, ship, 202.

CORNWALLIS, Lord, his fate in America, settled, 232;
  his surrender, 233;
  surrender of, change of ministry consequent upon, 251;
  offers commission to Saumarez, 385;
  meeting of, with Saumarez, subsequently, 385.

Corsica, 333; 337;
  in revolt against Britain, 346;
  evacuated by British, 347.

Courageux, ship, wrecked on Barbary coast, 350; 352.

Crescent, frigate, Saumarez appointed to command, 399;
  action of, with French frigate Reunion, 399, 400.

Crown Point, 433; 439;
  Pellew lands at, 441.

Culloden, ship, 353, 354.

CUMBERLAND, Richard, his remark concerning Rodney, 178.

CUMBY, Lieutenant, parody by, upon Admiral Jervis, 373;
  pretended revenge of Admiral upon, 374.

Curacao, 246.

CURTIS, Fleet Captain, 311.

CURTIS, Sir Roger, 250.

Czar of Russia, 421.

DACRES, Lieutenant, wounded, 437, 438.

Declaration of Independence, 275.

DE COURT, Admiral, his comments on engagement off Toulon, 44; 81.

Defence, ship, 342; 363.

Project Gutenberg
Types of Naval Officers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.