Tales from the Hindu Dramatists eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 131 pages of information about Tales from the Hindu Dramatists.

Tales from the Hindu Dramatists eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 131 pages of information about Tales from the Hindu Dramatists.

Sagarika, dressed as the queen, goes some way to meet the king when she thinks of putting an end at once to her sufferings and her life and fastens the noose round her neck with the fibres of the Madhavi.  The king, who is seeking for the queen in hopes to pacify her anger, discovers Sagarika on the way and mistakes her for the queen.  He rushes to her and tears off the tendril.  He soon discovers his mistake, embraces her and observes, “When the bosom of my queen swells with sighs, I express concern; when she is sullen, I soothe her; when her brows are bent, and her face is distorted with anger, I fall prostrate at her feet.  These marks of respect are due to her exalted position; but the regard that springs from vehement affection, that is yours alone.”

At this time, the queen, who has overheard the speech, comes forward and says, “I believe you, my lord, I believe you.”  The king explains his conduct thus:—­“Why, then, you need not be offended.  Cannot you perceive that I have been attracted hither, and misled by the resemblance of your dress and person?  Be composed, I beg you.”  He falls at her feet.  She observes, “Rise, rise, let not my exalted station put you to such unnecessary inconvenience.”

Vasantaka takes up the noose, shows it to the queen and explains his conduct thus, “It is very true, madam, I assure you, that, deceived by the belief that you were attempting to destroy yourself, I brought my friend to this spot, to preserve, as I thought, your life.”  By order of the queen, Kanchanmala puts the noose over his neck, beats him and carries him off an unfortunate captive.  The king thinks, “What an unlucky business this is!  What is to be done?  How shall I dissipate the rage that clouds the smiling countenance of the queen!  How rescue Sagarika from the dread of her resentment, or liberate my friend Basantaka?  I am quite bewildered with these events, and can no longer command my ideas.  I will go in, and endeavour to pacify the queen.”  The queen regales Vasantaka with cakes from her own fair hands, presents him with a dress and restores him to liberty.  Susangata prays him to accept a diamond necklace which Sagarika has left with her for presentation to him.  He declines the offer.  Looking at it attentively he wonders where she could have procured such a valuable necklace.  They both go to the king who has gone from the queen’s apartments to the crystal alcove and is lamenting thus:—­“Deceitful vows, tender speeches, plausible excuses and prostrate supplications had less effect upon the queen’s anger than her own teaks; like water upon the fire they quenched the blaze of her indignation.  I am now only anxious for Sagarika.  Her form, as delicate as the petal of the lotus, dissolving in the breath of inexperienced passion, has found a passage through the channels by which love penetrates, and is lodged deep in my heart.  The friend to whom I could confide my secret sorrows is the prisoner of the queen.”  Vasantaka

Project Gutenberg
Tales from the Hindu Dramatists from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.