Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 340 pages of information about Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1.

Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 340 pages of information about Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1.
all means to contrive, by hook or by crook, to spend the intervening time in some school on the continent.  They say schools in England are so numerous, competition so great, that without some such step towards attaining superiority, we shall probably have a very hard struggle, and may fail in the end.  They say, moreover, that the loan of 100_l_., which you have been so kind as to offer us, will, perhaps, not be all required now, as Miss W—–­ will lend us the furniture; and that, if the speculation is intended to be a good and successful one, half the sum, at least, ought to be laid out in the manner I have mentioned, thereby insuring a more speedy repayment both of interest and principal.
“I would not go to France or to Paris.  I would go to Brussels, in Belgium.  The cost of the journey there, at the dearest rate of travelling, would be 5_l_.; living is there little more than half as dear as it is in England, and the facilities for education are equal or superior to any other place in Europe.  In half a year, I could acquire a thorough familiarity with French.  I could improve greatly in Italian, and even get a dash of German, i.e., providing my health continued as good as it is now.  Mary is now staying at Brussels, at a first-rate establishment there.  I should not think of going to the Chateau de Kokleberg, where she is resident, as the terms are much too high; but if I wrote to her, she, with the assistance of Mrs. Jenkins, the wife of the British Chaplain, would be able to secure me a cheap, decent residence and respectable protection.  I should have the opportunity of seeing her frequently; she would make me acquainted with the city; and, with the assistance of her cousins, I should probably be introduced to connections far more improving, polished, and cultivated, than any I have yet known.
“These are advantages which would turn to real account, when we actually commenced a school; and, if Emily could share them with me, we could take a footing in the world afterwards which we can never do now.  I say Emily instead of Anne; for Anne might take her turn at some future period, if our school answered.  I feel certain, while I am writing, that you will see the propriety of what I say.  You always like to use your money to the best advantage.  You are not fond of making shabby purchases; when you do confer a favour, it is often done in style; and depend upon it, 50_l_., or 100_l_., thus laid out, would be well employed.  Of course, I know no other friend in the world to whom I could apply on this subject except yourself.  I feel an absolute conviction that, if this advantage were allowed us, it would be the making of us for life.  Papa will, perhaps, think it a wild and ambitious scheme; but who ever rose in the world without ambition?  When he left Ireland to go to Cambridge University, he was as ambitious as I am now.  I want us all to get on.  I know we have talents,
Project Gutenberg
Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.