Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

Ingrediens mundum.[284]

“Stone upon stone."[285]

What preceded and what followed.  All the Jews exist still, and are wanderers.


Of all that is on earth, He partakes only of the sorrows, not of the joys.  He loves His neighbours, but His love does not confine itself within these bounds, and overflows to His own enemies, and then to those of God.


Jesus Christ typified by Joseph, the beloved of his father, sent by his father to see his brethren, etc., innocent, sold by his brethren for twenty pieces of silver, and thereby becoming their lord, their saviour, the saviour of strangers, and the saviour of the world; which had not been but for their plot to destroy him, their sale and their rejection of him.

In prison Joseph innocent between two criminals; Jesus Christ on the cross between two thieves.  Joseph foretells freedom to the one, and death to the other, from the same omens.  Jesus Christ saves the elect, and condemns the outcast for the same sins.  Joseph foretells only; Jesus Christ acts.  Joseph asks him who will be saved to remember him, when he comes into his glory; and he whom Jesus Christ saves asks that He will remember him, when He comes into His kingdom.


The conversion of the heathen was only reserved for the grace of the Messiah.  The Jews have been so long in opposition to them without success; all that Solomon and the prophets said has been useless.  Sages, like Plato and Socrates, have not been able to persuade them.


After many persons had gone before, Jesus Christ at last came to say:[286] “Here am I, and this is the time.  That which the prophets have said was to come in the fullness of time, I tell you My apostles will do.  The Jews shall be cast out.  Jerusalem shall be soon destroyed.  And the heathen shall enter into the knowledge of God.  My apostles shall do this after you have slain the heir of the vineyard.”

Then the apostles said to the Jews:  “You shall be accursed,” (Celsus laughed at it); and to the heathen, “You shall enter into the knowledge of God.”  And this then came to pass.


Jesus Christ came to blind those who saw clearly, and to give sight to the blind; to heal the sick, and leave the healthy to die; to call to repentance, and to justify sinners, and to leave the righteous in their sins; to fill the needy, and leave the rich empty.


Holiness.—­Effundam spiritum meum.[287] All nations were in unbelief and lust.  The whole world now became fervent with love.  Princes abandoned their pomp; maidens suffered martyrdom.  Whence came this influence?  The Messiah was come.  These were the effect and sign of His coming.


Destruction of the Jews and heathen by Jesus Christ:  Omnes gentes venient et adorabunt eum.[288] Parum est ut,[289] etc. Postula a me.[290] Adorabunt eum omnes reges.[291] Testes iniqui.[292] Dabit maxillam percutienti.[293] Dederunt fel in escam.[294]

Project Gutenberg
Pascal's Pensées from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.