Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

137. The tense sign of the Future Indicative in the first and second conjugations is -bi-.  This is joined to the present stem of the verb and followed by the personal ending, as follows: 

ama:-          bi-         s
love        will      you

138. The Future Active Indicative is inflected as follows.

  1. ama:’bo:, I shall love mone:’bo:, I shall advise
  2. ama:’bis, you will love mone:’bis, you will advise
  3. ama:’bit, he will love mone:’bit, he will advise

  1. ama:’bimus, we shall love mone:’bimus, we shall advise
  2. ama:’bitis you will love mone:’bitis, you will advise
  3. ama:’bunt, they will love mone:’bunt, they will advise

a. The personal endings are as in the present.  The ending -bo:  in the first person singular is contracted from -bi-o:.  The -bi- appears as -bu- in the third person plural.  Note that the inflection is like that of ero:\, the future of sum\. Pay especial attention to the accent.

In a similar manner inflect the verbs given in Sec. 129.


I. 1.  Movebitis, laudabis, arabo. 2.  Delebitis, vocabitis, dabunt. 3.  Maturabis, desiderabit, videbimus. 4.  Habebit, movebunt, necabit. 5.  Narrabimus, monebis, videbunt. 6.  Laborabitis, curabunt, dabis. 7.  Habitabimus, properabitis, iubebunt, parabit. 8.  Nuntiabo, portabimus, iubebo.

II. 1.  We shall announce, we shall see, I shall hasten. 2.  I shall carry, he will plow, they will care for. 3.  You will announce, you will move, you will give, (sing. and plur.). 4.  We shall fight, we shall destroy, I shall long for. 5.  He will call, they will see, you will tell (plur.). 6.  They will dwell, we shall order, he will praise. 7.  They will labor, we shall kill, you will have (sing. and plur.), he will destroy.

140. NI’OBE AND HER CHILDREN (Concluded)

First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288.

Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latonae.  Iis Thebani sacra crebra parabant.[1] Oppidani amabant Latonam et liberos eius.  Id superbae reginae erat molestum.  “Cur,” inquit, “Latonae et liberis sacra paratis?  Duos liberos habet Latona; quattuordecim habeo ego.  Ubi sunt mea sacra?” Latona iis verbis[2] irata liberos suos vocat.  Ad eam volant Apollo Dianaque et sagittis[3] suis miseros liberos reginae superbae delent.  Niobe, nuper laeta, nunc misera, sedet apud liberos interfectos et cum perpetuis lacrimis[4] eos desiderat.

NOTE.  Consult the general vocabulary for Apollo\, inquit\, duos\, and quattuordecim\.  Try to remember the meaning of all the other words.

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.