Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
distant, remote longitu:do:, -inis, f. [[longus, long]], length longus, -a, -um, adj. long loquor, loqui, locu:tus sum, dep. verb, talk, speak lo:ri:ca, -ae, f. [[lo:rum, thong]], coat of mail, corselet lu:do:, -ere, lu:si:, lu:sus, play lu:dus, -i:, m. play; school, the elementary grades.  Cf. schola lu:na, -ae, f. moon lu:x, lu:cis, f. (no gen. plur.), light.
  pri:ma lu:x, daybreak
Ly:dia, -ae, f. Lydia, a girl’s name


M., abbreviation for Ma:rcus magicus, -a, -um, adj. magic magis, adv. in comp. degree [[magnus, great]], more, in a higher
(Sec. 323)
magister, -tri:, m. master, commander; teacher magistra:tus, -u:s, m. [[magister, master]], magistracy;

magnitu:do:, -inis, f. [[magnus, great]], greatness, size magnopere, adv. [[abl. of magnum opus]], compared magis, maxime:,
    greatly, exceedingly (Sec. 323)
magnus, -a, -um, adj., compared maior, maximus, great, large;
    strong, loud
(Sec. 311)
maior, maius, -o:ris, adj., comp. of magnus, greater, larger (Sec.
maio:re:s, -um, m. plur. of maior, ancestors ma:lo:, ma:lle, ma:lui:, ——­ [[magis, more, + volo:, wish]], wish
    more, prefer
(Sec. 497)
malus, -a, -um, adj., compared peior, pessimus, bad, evil (Sec. 311) mando:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[manus, hand, + do:, put]], (put in
    hand), intrust; order, command

maneo:, -e:re, ma:nsi:, ma:nsu:rus, stay, remain, abide Ma:nlius, Ma:nli:, m. Manlius, a Roman name ma:nsue:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of ma:nsue:sco:, tame]], tamed manus, -u:s, f. hand; force, band Ma:rcus, -i:, m. Marcus, Mark, a Roman first name mare, -is, n. (no gen. plur.), sea.
  mare tene:re, be out to sea
margo:, -inis, m. edge, border mari:tus, -i:, m. husband Marius, Mari:, m. Marius, a Roman name, esp. C.  Marius, the general Ma:rtius, -a, -um, adj. of Mars, esp. the Campus Martius ma:ter, -tris, f. mother ma:trimo:nium, ma:trimo:’ni:, n. marriage.
  in ma:trimo:nium du:cere, marry
ma:tu:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, hasten.  Cf. contendo:, propero:  ma:tu:rus, -a, -um, adj. ripe, mature maxime:, adv. in superl. degree [[maximus, greatest]], compared
    magnopere, magis, maxime:, especially, very much (Sec. 323)
maximus, -a, -um, adj., superl. of magnus, greatest, extreme
    (Sec. 311)
medius, -a, -um, adj. middle part; middle, intervening melior, -ius, -o:ris, adj., comp. of bonus, better (Sec. 311) melius, adv. in comp. degree, compared bene, melius, optime:,
    better (Sec. 323)

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.