Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

    [Footnote 2:  ille\ standing after its noun means _that well-known,
    that famous_.]



  [Special Vocabulary]

commea:tus, -u:s\, m.. _provisions_ la:titu:do:, -inis\, f., width (latitude) longitu:do:, -inis\, f., _length_ (longitude) magnitu:do:, -inis\, f., size, magnitude merca:tor, merca:to:ris\, m., _trader, merchant_ mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis\, f., fortification (munition) spatium, spati:\, n., _room, space, distance; time_

  cogno:sco:, cogno:scere, cogno:vi:, cognitus\, learn;
    in the perfect tenses, know (re-cognize)
  co:go:, co:gere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus\, _collect; compel_ (cogent)
de:fendo:, de:fendere, de:fendi:, de:fe:nsus\, defend
  incendo:, incendere, incendi:, ince:nsus\, _set fire to, burn_
    (incendiary).  Cf.
  obtineo:, obtine:re, obtinui:, obtentus\, _possess, occupy, hold_
pervenio:, perveni:re, perve:ni:, perventus\, come through, arrive

327. The Latin numeral adjectives may be classified as follows: 

  1. Cardinal Numerals\, answering the question _how many?_ as,
u:nus\, one; duo\, _two_; etc.

  2. Ordinal Numerals\, derived in most cases from the cardinals and
  answering the question _in what order?_ as,
pri:mus\, first;
  secundus\, _second_; etc.

  3. Distributive Numerals\, answering the question _how many at a
  time?_ as,
singuli:\, one at a time.

328. The Cardinal Numerals.  The first twenty of the cardinals are as follows: 

1, u:nus 6, sex 11, u:ndecim 16, se:decim 2, duo 7, septem 12, duodecim 17, septendecim 3, tre:s 8, octo:  13, tredecim 18, duode:vi:ginti:  4, quattuor 9, novem 14, quattuordecim 19, u:nde:vi:ginti:  5, qui:nque 10, decem 15, qui:ndecim 20, vi:ginti: 

    a. Learn also centum\ = 100, ducenti:\ = 200, mi:lle\ = 1000.

329. Declension of the Cardinals.  Of the cardinals only u:nus\, duo\, tre:s\, the hundreds above one hundred, and mi:lle\ used as a noun, are declinable.

a. u:nus\ is one of the nine irregular adjectives, and is declined like nu:llus\ (cf.  Secs. 109, 470).  The plural of u:nus\ is used to agree with a plural noun of a singular meaning, as, u:na castra\, one camp; and with other nouns in the sense of only, as, Galli u:ni\, _only the Gauls_.

    _b._ Learn the declension of duo\, two; tre:s\, _three_; and
mi:lle\, a thousand. (Sec. 479.)

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.