Roumania Past and Present eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Roumania Past and Present.

Roumania Past and Present eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Roumania Past and Present.
-------+ | | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | +----------------------------+----------+----------+--------
--+ | | | | | |British manufactures | L887,488 | L997,078 |L1,112,761| |Foreign and colonial produce| 112,987 | 100,354 | 86,501| | and manufactures | | | | +----------------------------+----------+----------+--------
--+ |Total |L1,000,475|L1,097,432|L1,199,262| +----------------------------+----------+----------+--------

Total Imports into Great Britain from Roumania.

|              |  1878.  |   1879.   |  1880.    |
|Maize         |L587,635 | L805,788  |  L558,745 |
|Barley        | 316,402 |  462,622  |   796,808 |
|Other produce |  66,518 |  104,592  |   106,283 |
|Total         |L970,555 |L1,373,002 |L1,461,836 |

The manufacturing industries of Roumania generally are hardly in their infancy, but at Galatz are to be found a wood factory and sawmills of a very superior order, owned by Messrs. P. Goetz & Co.  They are lighted with the electric light, and are doing a large and increasing export trade; indeed last year (1881), as we are informed, a cargo of deals &c. was shipped from this factory to the Panama Canal Works.  There is a very large flour mill, and also the ‘Galatz Soap and Candle Company;’ but this last has not proved a success, inasmuch as the raw products, including stearine (which is found in Roumania as ozokerit), are all imported at a cost which interferes with their profitable employment.  Whilst we are dealing with the question of manufactures, we may mention that besides the petroleum refineries referred to in a former chapter, there are in Roumania sugar factories at Chitilla and Jassy, match factories in Bucarest and Jassy, and one cloth factory.  Steam mills for grinding flour abound, and there are water mills for assisting in the preparation of flannel.

This seems a small beginning, but there is much hope in the future.  The same causes that militated against the prosperity of Roumania in other respects have rendered the prosecution of national industries an absolute impossibility.  Wilkinson referred at considerable length to this matter sixty years since.  Who would have ventured to invest capital in mills and factories which were liable to be burned or plundered by Turks or Russians for strategical or other warlike purposes, or would be taxed beyond endurance by a suzerain master for the maintenance of his Constantinople harem and of his needy officials?  The soil indeed could not be carried off, or there would not have been even an agricultural industry.  But the time is not far distant when the advantages of Roumania as a manufacturing country will become apparent, and when her native products, coupled with her proximity to the Danube and Black Sea, will enable her to compete successfully with other nations, especially with those near neighbours from whom she is at present compelled to draw her supplies of manufactured commodities.

Project Gutenberg
Roumania Past and Present from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.