The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.

The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.
The ground is azure; the motto “Admajorem Dei glorium.”  On the standard N. is an “inflamed heart,” in red, with two wings, surrounded by a laurel crown.  The ground is white.  The flag G. bears a double-headed eagle, crowned, holding a sword in his right claw, and in his left a bloody heart.  Ground is sea green.  The flag U. has an ox, sable (black), on a golden ground.  On the sides of the enneagen are nine tents, and on its angles nine pendants, each belonging to its appropriate tent.  The pendants are distinguished by numerals, and the tents by the letters I. N. O. N. X. I. L. A. S. disposed from right to left.  These tents signify the different grades of Masonry.  Thus: 

Tent S. is Malachi—­pendant, white, spotted with red; represents Knights of the East and West, and Princes of Jerusalem.  Tent A. is Zerubbabel—­pendant, light green; represents Knights of the East.  Tent L. is Neamiah—­pendant, red; represents Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Masons.  Tent I. is Hobben or Johaben—­pendant, black and red; represents Sublime Elect, and Elect of Fifteen.  Tent X. is Peleg—­pendant, black; represents Elect of Nine, or Grand Master Architect.  Tent N. is Joiada—­pendant, red and black in lozenges; represents Provost and Judges.  Tent O. is Aholiab—­pendant, red and green; represents Intendant of the Buildings and Intimate Secretary.  Tent N. is Joshua—­pendant, green; represents Perfect Master.  Tent I. is Ezra—­pendant, blue; represents Master, Fellow Craft, and Entered Apprentice.

The equilateral triangle in the middle represents the centre of the army, and shows where the Knights of Malta are to be placed who have been admitted to our mysteries, and have proved themselves faithful guardians.  They are to be joined with the Knights of Kadosh.  The corps in the centre is to be commanded by five princes, who command jointly, or in rotation, according to their degrees, and receive their orders immediately from the Sovereign of Sovereigns.  These five Princes must place their standards in the five angles of the pentagon, as above described.  These Princes, who are Standard Bearers, have the following name, viz.:—­

                        { T. ...  Bezaleel }
                        { E. ...  Aholiab }
     standard. { N. ...  Mahuzen } names.
                        { G. ...  Garimont }
                        { U. ...  Amariah }

The heptagon points out the Encampment destined for the Princes of Libanus, Jerusalem, etc.; and these are to receive their orders from the five Princes.  The enneagen shows the general order of Masons of all degrees.

Instructions for the reunion of the brethren, Knights, Princes, and Commanders of the Royal Secret or Kadosh, which really signifies holy brethren of all degrees separated.

Project Gutenberg
The Mysteries of Free Masonry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.