The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.

The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.

Q. Is there any meaning in this composition?  A. Yes; when the Grand Architect of the Universe determined to create the world, he employed his sweetness, bounty, wisdom and power.

Q. What is the reason why the number eighty-one is held in such esteem among Princes of Masons?  A. Because that number explains the triple alliance which the Eternal operates by the triple triangle, which was seen at the time Solomon consecrated the temple to God; and also that Hiram Abiff was eighty-one years of age when he was murdered.

Q. Was anything else perceived at the consecration?  A. A perfume which not only filled the temple, but all Jerusalem.

Q. Who destroyed the temple?  A. Nebuchadnezzar.

Q. How many years after it was built?  A. Four hundred and seventy years, six months, and ten days, after its foundation.

Q. Who built the second temple?  A. Zerubbabel, by the grant and aid of Cyrus, King of Persia.  It was finished in the reign of Darius, when he was known to be a Prince of Jerusalem.  Cyrus not only gave Zerubbabel and the captive Masons their liberty, but ordered all the treasures of the old temple to be restored to them, that they might embellish the second temple, which he had ordered Zerubbabel to build.

Q. What signifies the jewel of the Right Worshipful Grand Master of all Lodges being a triangle?  A. He wears it in remembrance of the presents given by monarchs and the protectors of the order, in recompense for their zeal, fervor, and constancy.

Q. What way have you traveled to become a Right Worshipful Grand Master of all Lodges, and Grand Patriarch?  A. By the four elements.

Q. Why by the four elements?  A. To put us in mind of this world, and the troubles in which we live; to cleanse ourselves from all impurities, and thereby render ourselves worthy of perfect virtue.

Q. Where was the Lodge of Grand Masters first held?  A. In the sacred vault, east of the temple.

Q. Where is that lodge held at present?  A. All over the world, agreeably to the orders of Solomon, when he told us to travel and to spread over the universe, to teach Masonry to those whom we should find worthy of it, but especially to those who should receive us kindly, and who were virtuous men.

Q. What did Solomon give you to remember him at your departure?  A. He rewarded the merits of all the workmen, and showed to the Chief Master the cubic stone of agate, on which was engraved, on a gold plate, the sacred name of God.

Q. How was the agate stone supported?  A. On a pedestal of a triangular form, surrounded with three cross pillars, which were also surrounded by a circle of brass.

Q. What signifies the three pillars?  A. Strength, wisdom and beauty.

Q. What was in the middle of the circle?  A. The point of exactness, which teaches us the point of perfection.

Q. What else did Solomon give you?  A. The great sign of admiration and consternation, by which I am known by a brother.  He also put a ring on my finger, in remembrance of my alliance with virtue, and loaded us with kindness.

Project Gutenberg
The Mysteries of Free Masonry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.